Hello! I am Jose Rico, coordinator of the Politics section of EL PERIÓDICO. For some time now there has hardly been a day of respite in politics. There is even less of a quiet week. A month of low profile is unimaginable. And getting excited about a year without partisan fray is simply a chimera. That is why I want to invite you to share each week a newsletter that, like a compass, can help you navigate the labyrinth of Catalan politics and analyze its impact on the Spanish political scene.

To achieve this, I will rely on the daily work of my colleagues in the section, who provide the added value (+P) of interpreting what is said and revealing what is not said by those who make the decisions that affect our daily lives. Explaining why what is happening happens with the commitment to try to distance ourselves as far as possible from militant trenches and granite blocks.

In this effort to unravel the political tangle, electoral polls will play a special role. This incessant calculator of votes and seats that no party claims to believe in but which influences the strategies of all. The multimedia resources that our digital environment provides us will help us to thoroughly interpret the intricacies of the polls, as well as the rest of the political maelstrom.

If you are interested, to receive this weekly email you only need to register for free at elperiodico.com and activate the Politica.cat newsletter. And remember that you can follow up to the minute the latest political news in the twitter account and the section’s Telegram channel.

Thank you very much for reading us.

Jose Rico


Source: www.elperiodico.com

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