The right-wing and legislator from CABA for Milei’s party, Ramiro Marra, once again gave people talk by spreading what he used the money from his first diet for. After his false demagogy that it would not be used for “personal assets”, he published the list of companies, mostly large, in which he invested by buying shares. All in your name. A curious way of not using it on personal property.
“This first salary that I received at the end of January, for 20 days worked, was $329,024.30,” he said before going on to detail the list of companies. Within his list, one is IRSA, a real estate giant that builds luxury towers and owns 16 million square meters in the City, straddling the privatizations of public and green spaces. The construction company is also one of the main contributors to the PRO.
These businesses in CABA by IRSA are promoted and approved by both the PRO legislators, as well as by the liberal legislator, Marra. In other words, the legislator promotes benefits for IRSA of which it is part owner through its actions.
A few days ago that complaint was made by the legislator of the PTS in the FITU, Alejandrina Barry. The legislator made public that the construction company, which is one of the main companies contributing to the PRO, acquired, among one of its businesses, a City building at half price in February 2022. And she denounced Marra on her social networks for serving both sides of the counter.
Among other companies in which it invested is Edenor, one of the electricity companies that, together with Edesur, have been questioned strongly by the majority of the population due to the lack of investment in a disastrous service, while they accumulate million-dollar profits.
This Tuesday, the national deputy of the PTS in the FITU, Nicolás del Caño, met Marra on television. There he maintained that “Marra should read a little more if he is a legislator. We know who the owners of the energy companies are: they are among the first to escape from Argentina under the Macri government, while they benefit from subsidies and tariffs.”
These acts of false demagogy, such as those practiced by Marra, Milei and the libertarians around diets, show the hypocrisy of the anti-caste discourse. In the facts, These characters do nothing more than promote the policies that enrich the business caste that does not stop accumulating millions at the expense of the deterioration of the lives of the majority.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com