The national deputy and pre-candidate for president for the PTS-Frente de Izquierda Unidad was interviewed this Wednesday by Gustavo Sylvestre in C5N, where she left important definitions and challenges in the face of the current situation.

Some of the main definitions of Myriam Bregman:

  • “A few days ago, Gato, the entire country was concentrated in Rosario. And there is also the neoliberal legacy of the nineties, because look at the privatization of the ports and the waterway led to and is largely responsible for the crisis that ensued lives today in Rosario with the growth of drug trafficking. Now there is the issue of privatizations. There is a great debate in Argentina that we have to do once and for all, which is that not having touched all that neoliberal heritage, privatizations, policies that Menemism left, is leading the people to greater crises every time and it can no longer be avoided to discuss it anymore”.
  • On power cuts: “We have a very clear position. We have presented a nationalization project for the entire energy system but under the control of user workers. We have an incredible capacity in Argentina with public universities to think about another energy system from production from energy to distribution. It is an essential public service, it must necessarily be in the hands of the State and it does not have to lead you to pay the bills that you are now paying. Because note that part of the agreement with the Fund is to reduce the subsidies And that is being charged to the user, but millions of these companies have fled here. They fled, they did not make the investments, they cannot be rewarded. We must recover what they took, we must recover the money that they have fled abroad and we have to think of an energy plan that responds within the framework of a climate crisis, we are experiencing extreme heat that at another time would not have we were”.
  • On the presidential elections: “The proposal that my party has made after assemblies that we held throughout the country is that the presidential formula be integrated in my case as a candidate for president and vice president Nicolás del Caño. It is a proposal to discuss later obviously as we always do with the rest of the forces of the Left Unity Front”.
  • “We have been building unity for more than ten years, we have put a lot of effort into it, I have put a lot of effort into it, you have seen it in the campaigns in the City of Buenos Aires, obtaining a seat after twenty years that the left did not have a seat In the city, well, Nicolás del Caño in the province of Buenos Aires, today there is a new phenomenon, which is that we have councilors in many of the municipalities of the province of Buenos Aires, which is something that the left has never had before. of my partner Alejandro Vilca who tied for second place in Jujuy and now has the challenge of fighting again, Jujuy is one of the districts with early elections.”
  • “Look at the crisis in the United States, how European banks fall and so on. That they continue to propose these alternatives that the way out is privatization, that the way out is to end any organization of the working class, the truth must be contrasted with the reality, because it is a capitalist system that is trembling, that is showing a face of crisis that has been going on since 2008 and remember how they solved it, they solved it by saving the banks and sinking thousands of families who lost their homes and others” .
  • “I think that the challenge of the left is very big. We come in 2021 from the best election that the left made in many years and this was very recently, we have a block of four deputies at this moment in the Chamber of Deputies, something that It had never happened to enter four deputies at the same time. I believe that in the crisis that exists in Argentinac where the failure of the neoliberal government of Mauricio Macri is very fresh, the ferocious policies that he applied against the working people and now the failure is being experienced of the Government of the Front of All. Many in 2021 did not even go to vote due to the discouragement caused by having trusted a government that told them it was going to fill the fridge and so on. So I believe that all the most concentrated sectors of the economy and from the power of the media they are betting a lot that the way out is with these neoliberal variants that if you think about what Milei says is the same as what was done in the nineties”.
  • Politics / Myriam Bregman


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