This Thursday, August 1st, marks one month since the layoffs at the Posadas Hospital. “Given the lack of response to our claim for the reinstatement of the workers who were unjustly fired, We will demonstrate at the Obelisk and later in front of the Ministry of Health. Neither the Hospital authorities nor Mario Russo (Minister of Health of the Nation) have attended to us since this conflict began, to listen to our claims.“, denounced Luis Sucher, one of the dismissed workers and a Cicop delegate.
“We are essential workers for the care of the Hospital’s patients. We have experience, seniority, training and even awards for attendance, as proven by our pay slips and files. We will not allow them to play with the right to work and health. That is why we will be demonstrating, accompanied by health workers from hospitals in the City of Buenos Aires, the province and municipalities, since the layoffs at Posadas also affect them, this being one of the main referral centers. Our patients, relatives of electrode-dependent people and people with disabilities, among other solidarity sectors, will also be there,” Sucher explained.
The rally will start at 12 noon at the Obelisco, and then they will hold a rally at the Ministry of Health, denouncing the dismissals and the attack on health, demanding that they be received by the head of the ministry, Mario Russo.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com