Photos by Nicolás Stulberg, Maximiliano Luna and the United States Embassy

This Tuesday night some 1.500 personas filled the facilities of the Bosch Palace from the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo, built at the beginning of the 20th century and since 1929 headquarters of the Embassy of the United States in Argentina. There the current ambassador Marc Stanley He invited “distinguished” personalities from politics, business, public relations, trade unionism and culture to celebrate the 248th anniversary of the Independence Day Yankee, which occurred on July 4, 1776.

The ambassador and his wife Wendy Hillebrand They put together a phenomenal banquet, in which, in addition to exquisite dishes and exclusive spirits, there were hugs, group laughter, selfies of all kinds and speeches of the occasion. An official statement from the Embassy itself described the meeting as “a vibrant and colorful party”. And he reproduced some of the words of Stanley before the select audience.

“Over 201 years of presidents, foreign ministers and ambassadors, regardless of which party controlled the White Housethe Pink House nor the congresses, Our relationship progressed and grew “Thanks to our democratic values ​​and institutions,” said the ambassador. He concluded: “Let us continue working together, building our common history and watching over a more prosperous future for Argentina and the United States.”

Without a doubt for USA The historical relationship with our country has been more than beneficial, although, as can be seen, the balance is not the same for this part of the continent. Stanley He talks about 201 years of “progress” and “growth,” regardless of who has been at the forefront of the Pink Housewhich includes governments elected at the polls, others perched in power through fraud and, of course, the various military dictatorships (con genocide included) always promoted and supported by the White House.

The submission of all Argentine rulerswhether or not they are declaredly pro-imperialist political spaces, it is a fact that shapes the country we have. A country with Half of the population is living in povertycon the precariousness that extends to all walks of life and with a future that promises nothing good If the structure of the nation does not reverse its condition of dependency and backwardness.

The clearest and most obvious example is the unpayable debt that Argentina maintains with the FMIthe multinational financial organization that does not make a single decision without the endorsement of whoever eventually occupies the position. White House. So it was with Saw y Martínez de Hozcon Alfonsincon Me toocon Duhaldecon Kirchnercon Fernandez de Kirchner (whose photo album has a place for Stanley and to Laura Richardson), con Macricon Fernandez-Fernandez de Kirchner-Massa And obviously, this is the case with mercy.

It is logical that the diplomatic representation of US imperialism wants to “celebrate” the birthday of its republic in Buenos Aires. In fact, it does so every year, always with guests from these pampas and throwing butter on the ceiling. This year, in addition, in the Pink there’s a staff of officials who hold up the American power as an example of “freedom” and “democracy.”

That is why no one can be surprised by the participation in the #HappyBirthdayUSA event of a good part of the Cabinet and other officials. Freedom Advances. Nor of other personalities who seem to have much obeisance to pay to the master of the north. What was surprising was the absence, on this occasion, of representatives of Peronism and of a certain “progressivism” with a stomach that can withstand anything.who on other occasions gladly went to embrace Yankee diplomacy. Sense of opportunity, as they say, calculating the political times that are approaching where even a photo can lift you up or sink you.

Here is part of the fauna that attended the birthday party organized by Stanley

Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos (libertarian Peronist) and wife; Senator Martín Lousteau and Vice-Chancellor of the UBA Emiliano Yacobitti (radicals of Evolution); Minister of Defense Luis Petri (libertarian radical); President of the Chamber of Deputies Martín Menem (libertarian Peronist) and wife.
Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos (libertarian Peronist) and wife; Senator Martín Lousteau and Vice-Chancellor of the UBA Emiliano Yacobitti (radicals of Evolution); Minister of Defense Luis Petri (libertarian radical); President of the Chamber of Deputies Martín Menem (libertarian Peronist) and wife.

Daniel Funes de Rioja, president of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA); Eduardo Elsztain, president of IRSA; Mariana Apella, manager of Grupo Bagó; Mario Montoto, president of the Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce and owner of Infobae.
Daniel Funes de Rioja, president of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA); Eduardo Elsztain, president of IRSA; Mariana Apella, manager of Grupo Bagó; Mario Montoto, president of the Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce and owner of Infobae.

Guillermo Coppola, businessman, showman and other weeds; Gerardo “Battlón 601” Martínez, former Army spy during the dictatorship and for decades leader of the Uorca, a construction union with very high rates of informal and precarious work; Iván de Pineda, model and host in charge of giving voice to the event; Teresa Aguirre Lanari, widow of the magnate Carlos Bulgheroni and president of the Malba Foundation, together with Inés Etchevarne, president of the Association of Friends of the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires.
Guillermo Coppola, businessman, showman and other weeds; Gerardo “Battlón 601” Martínez, former Army spy during the dictatorship and for decades leader of the Uorca, a construction union with very high rates of informal and precarious work; Iván de Pineda, model and host in charge of giving voice to the event; Teresa Aguirre Lanari, widow of the magnate Carlos Bulgheroni and president of the Malba Foundation, together with Inés Etchevarne, president of the Association of Friends of the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires.

Minister of Justice Mariano Cúneo Libarona and his Secretary of Justice of the Nation Sebastián Amerio; national deputy Marcela Campagnoli (Civic Coalition) with Federico Senticchio; national deputy Cristian Ritondo (libertarian PRO); national deputy José Luis Espert.
Minister of Justice Mariano Cúneo Libarona and his Secretary of Justice of the Nation Sebastián Amerio; national deputy Marcela Campagnoli (Civic Coalition) with Federico Senticchio; national deputy Cristian Ritondo (libertarian PRO); national deputy José Luis Espert.

National Deputy Fernando Iglesias (PRO libertarian) with Buenos Aires City Security Minister Waldo Wolf; National Deputy Silvia Lospennato (PRO libertarian); former Minister of Economy Nicolás Dujovne (applicant of the last mega loan from the IMF that mortgaged the future of several generations of Argentines); Buenos Aires City Head of Government Jorge Macri and his wife.
National Deputy Fernando Iglesias (PRO libertarian) with Buenos Aires City Security Minister Waldo Wolf; National Deputy Silvia Lospennato (PRO libertarian); former Minister of Economy Nicolás Dujovne (applicant of the last mega loan from the IMF that mortgaged the future of several generations of Argentines); Buenos Aires City Head of Government Jorge Macri and his wife.

The list and photos could go on. But here the stomach has its limits. You will find more information in other media, some of whose owners even participated in #FelizCumpleUSA. On this side, we continue adding many reasons to Raise anti-imperialism strongly along with other peoples of the world, such as the Palestinians who heroically face the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel and supported by the United States.


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