Headed by the banners of “Against Hunger and Poverty, for Work and Salary” and “Fuera Tolosa Paz”, this Wednesday the Federal March convened a few weeks ago by the social organizations that make up the Picket Unit. The Polo Obrero, Teresa Vive, FOL, MTR, among many other groups of unemployed and precarious sectors participate.

The action takes place amid a sharp rise in inflation, especially for food. At the same time, a harsh adjustment in the items earmarked for social spending by the national government. Victoria Toulouse Peace, Minister of Social Development, is the one who heads this policy. That is why the organizations that mobilize demand her resignation. However, the official executes the general policy of the Front of All. The adjustment is ordered by the IMF, executed by Sergio Massa and backed by all wings of the ruling coalition.

This adjustment also takes place in the provinces. Governors run it. And here there are no differences between the Frente de Todos, other variants of Peronism or the right-wing opposition of Together for Change. The organizations have been denouncing not only the total insufficiency of the social programs, in quantity and amounts, as well as lack of food in canteens and the one they send in bad condition.

The mobilization began on Monday from different parts of the country: North, South, East and West. One of the most symbolic points was La Quiaca, Jujuy, from where the columns left for the provincial capital and then for Tucumán. In San Salvador, accompanying the mobilization, Alejandro Vilca and Natalia Morales were together with the PTS militancy. They are the ones who headed the lists of the Unity Left Front and beat Peronism in that city, in a historic election that took place last Sunday, May 7.

Already in the afternoon, an act took place in Plaza de Mayo. It was at the beginning of a vigil prior to the mobilization towards the Ministry of Social Development that takes place this Thursday morning, where the Piquetera Unit converges with the UTEP and other organizations linked to Peronism that should have taken to the streets a long time ago. time. It will be the opportunity to make a strong denunciation of the IMF pact with the national government and the right for this criminal adjustment.

The Movement of Classist Groups (MAC-PTS) in the mobilization in CABA

With a significant participation, the main worker references of the MAC were present in the mobilization that reached Plaza de Mayo. They were, among others, Raul Godoyworker of the recovered Zanon pottery and national leader of that party; Laura Canodoctor, leader of Cicop and deputy of the Province of Buenos Aires; Nathalia González Seligrateacher leader and leader of the combative opposition in the Suteba Matanza.

They were also in the mobilization referents of the opposition teaching which is part of sectionals such as Tigre or Ensenada; outsourced aeronautical workers from GPS-Aerolíneas Argentinas; state groups grouped in La Marrón; railways; of the Garrahan hospitals, Posadas and other hospitals in La Plata, among others.

In the concentration of Plaza de Mayo was also present Nicolás del Caño, national deputy of the PTS-Left Frontwho has been actively supporting the demands against the adjustment of the Government towards the organizations of the unemployed and the social movements.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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