This Monday, throughout the afternoon, Neighborhood assemblies took place in different parts of AMBA and CABA. They discussed how to continue the fight against the Omnibus Law. Among the resolutions highlighted in several of them, It was voted to gather at 6:00 p.m. in Congress. Furthermore, there will be a van as a form of protest. There were assemblies in Tigre, Escobar, Rafael Castillo, La Plata, Laferrere, San Martín, Glew, Moreno, Merlo and Lomas de Zamora, among other points.
On Friday the 2nd, the Omnibus Law proposed by Libertad Avanza was voted in general. But there is still no law. Not even “half a sanction.” This week the debate “in particular” continues.
The start of the sessions is scheduled for this Tuesday at 2 p.m. However, the Government continues its negotiations with the opposition and the governors. They discuss money, above all. At the same time, knows that the new call to the venue will also “call” for protests outside Congresswhich last week became the main political event. Thousands of assembly members Arriving from Greater Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires neighborhoods, they staged a combative mobilization alongside leftist, social, youth and United for Culture militants.
Just as the thread from those above continues, this weekend the meetings, meetings and debates continued between those sectors that were in the streets. The rejection of the Law but also of the attempt to impose it with gas and shovels is absolute. The forces are intact. The objective is to join forces and return to the streets, with the modality that is best. Because the conclusion of last week is that That message of rejection and combativeness of the three days that a few thousand gave is followed with sympathy by millions. And with concern for the Government, which has been trying to impose its repressive protocol with more violence every day.
Bullrich’s scandalous anti-demonstration operation motivated press unions and human rights organizations to make a presentation to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in the last few hours, to urgently intervene and urge the Argentine State to comply with the conventions. international laws that guarantee democratic freedoms.

Alert: delegated powers, privatizations, jail for protesting
The discussion in particular will put at the center all the points that the Government managed to maintain from its reactionary Law. One of the most questioned are the “delegated powers”, that is, permission for the right-wing Milei to make decisions that exceed the powers of the President (which are already many). Almost a monarch. As our parliamentary columnist Jesica Calcagno analyzed, in the last known text the delegation of powers covers 6 areas: economic, financial, security, tariffs, energy and administrative. It would remain in force until December 31, 2024 and could be extended by Congress for one more year.
It’s bad. As the Left Front and other forces denounced, this means that the Government could reimpose articles that had to be removed from the law, or other even more reactionary ones. You cannot pass that totally authoritarian clause.
Another key point is the privatization of public companies to hand themselves over to the friends of power. In the last proposal, as Calcagno analyzes, “the 30 public companies They are presented in 4 different packages and articles and in any case some blocks can vote for some package and others cannot. They maintain Aerolíneas Argentinas, Ferrocarriles and Télam on the new list. The articles remain within the terms of the Menemist legislation.” In other words, the libertarian privatization attack remains in force, which would also imply closures of some of these companies and thousands of layoffs, as some officials have already anticipated.
Another of the most serious points for the popular sectors is the criminalization of protest, using laws created by the dictator Onganía (1969). Demonstrate, on the street or in any space with more than 30 people, becomes a non-excusable crime. They can sentence you to 5 years in prison. A total delirium, which has already been criticized by international organizations.

Let’s be thousands in the streets!
The debate in the venue was followed by hundreds of thousands of people, it is true. But what happened in the streets these days was seen by millions. The posters of workers, teachers, neighbors, retirees, artists, militants, their testimonies to the media, their gassed faces but convinced of still being there. The demand for the CGT to appear and call for a general strike. This statement by those who chose to express their rejection of Milei’s plan is fundamental. It is a message for the millions who oppose but wait for their political or union leadership, which these days have been erased.
That is why it is important to remain mobilized. With the prominence of the neighborhood assemblies, with the strength of the youth, with the left that fights in the premises and the Plaza. Adding to the unions and sections that are going to be hit by privatizationslike SiPreBA (which was there this Thursday and Friday), the Sarmiento railways, the aeronautical companies, the CTA and ATE that are also affected. The assemblies will be the great ally to resist this attack. We have to solder that unit in these weeks.
This week join to the activities and mobilizations that those of us who say “NO to delegated powers, NO to privatizations” will be doing. Down with the Omnibus Law.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com