Photo Carolina Camps | File Page|12

He minimum ticket of groups in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) from this Monday May 1 will cost $ 42,67as a consequence of the implementation of the “monthly adjustment scheme” provided for by the Ministry of Transportation of the Nation. The increase is the third according to this scheme that, a priori, will be in force until June. This is an adjustment based on the inflation index for Greater Buenos Aires published by the indec (7.8% in March).

Thus, to the $ 42,67 of the minimum ticket (0 to 3 km), are followed by rates of $ 47,55 (3 to 6 km) $ 51,20 (6 to 12 km) and b (12 to 27 km). As reported, The 55% discount will remain in effect for those who receive the Social Rate card GOES UP. In this case, the minimum ticket will cost $ 19,20.

In the case of trains of AMBA, on the lines Mitre, Sarmiento y San Martin the minimum will be worth $ 26,82 from this Monday. in the lines Roca, South Belgrano, North Belgrano, urquiza y Coastal Train will be from $ 20,72.

all a bondi

Few days ago The Left Daily went out into the street to ask passenger y passengers of AMBA public transport what do you think of the conditions in which they have to travel day by day to their jobs, places of study and residence. He cost of growing travel, bondis and wagons overcrowded, cancellations y delays They are part of the daily grind that millions of workers must undergo.

Weeks ago, the demands of the transport workers burst onto the public agenda, with the bus drivers first and the subway workers later.

Year after year, all governments collaborate systematically so that the quality of public transport keep falling. All this despite the fact that the businessmen in charge of these services continue to receive millionaire subsidies of the State. And while the workers of the sector go out to demand what corresponds (receiving large shows of support from passengers), the governments of the Front of All (such as Axel Kicillof) and of Together for Change (such as Rodriguez Larreta) turn their backs on them and even criminalize and repress them.

From the Bordó Group of bus drivers, which integrates the Movement of Classist Groups, affirm that “the public transport that millions of people use daily cannot be managed with the logic of profit and business profit”. In this sense, they propose “to seek a fundamental and definitive solution to this recurring crisis.”

“We must end this policy of subsidies, tariffs and parasitic negotiations of the transport companies supported by the different governments, the employers and the UTA. It is essential that we begin to unite transport workers together with the millions of users, to fight for the nationalization of the public transport systemto be managed by transport workers and usersthe only ones interested in ensuring that the service is of quality and accessible for the benefit of passengers and poor people”, says La Bordó from the MAC.


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