Javier Miley He spoke this Friday with his friend and propagandist Jonathan Avenue with the air of the hyper-officialist Radio Rivadavia. There, between laughter and anecdotes about his “excellent” meeting with the Pope Francisco In Rome, the President gave a series of definitions on various topics.
The conversation between mercy and his friends left a confirmation: before the havoc that inflation is wreaking on popular pocketsfueled by all the measures that the Government itself has been taking since December 10, for him It is not a priority to intervene to compensate and improve the income of workers. He “chainsaw and blender plan” fully deployed.
Asked about the impact of great rates and the general increase in prices for those who live exclusively on their salary, mercy He said that we have to trust that things “will start to improve” towards the middle of the year. For that, according to his vision, the entire “plan” designed by him should be successful. Luis Caputo y Federico Sturzeneggera plan that is not publicly known (beyond the measures already announced via DNU and ministerial resolutions) and that not even the libertarian forces themselves can explain.
Just as his “advisor” did a few weeks ago in Miami to honor”, Milei even dares to throw lies into the air as if they didn’t mean anything. In it Miami Herbert Business School Sturzenegger had said that “an immediate effect” in “the three or four weeks after the issuance of the DNU” was that “Rental prices fell 20%” and “the market was reassembled.” Now mercy repeat the fake news and redoubles the bet: “The vast majority of the DNU is in operation and one of its resounding successes is in rentals, where the offer was doubled and In real terms, rental prices are plummeting”.
In addition to the inconsistency of this positive statement for his story, mercy he likes to measure in “real terms” only some things. To the salary, of course not. In fact, he closed the possibility of signing a decree raising the amount of the Minimum salary, vital and movil after this Thursday the meeting will fail between the Government, business chambers and union leaders regarding the Salary Council.
Consulted by his friends Rivadavia, mercy He responded without hesitation: “I don’t think a politician can determine a price by hand. It doesn’t even occur to me. “Am I going to issue a decree setting a price?”
Its irony is not enough to hide that the government addicted to corporations seeks to maintain the minimum wage (which serves as a guide for all salaries and various remunerations and social programs) well below the poverty basket. An immorality, as he himself usually describes everything he doesn’t like.
Logically, that official definition raises the question about What attitude will the union centers take? in the face of the (new) affront against the income of the working class. Once again, the demand from the CGT and the CTA a fight plan with new national strikes.
Adjustment Master
And if that was not enough, mercy He also told his apologists that He has no plans to call a joint meeting with the teaching unions. Until now, these instances established an income “floor” for teachers throughout the country, on which negotiations between unions and governors in each province are then based. On the one hand, the President uses the excuse that since public education has been provincialized since the 1990s, the national State “has nothing to do.” And on the other hand, true to his freewheeling speech, he assures that he has “a question” with that “set minimum prices”taking the salary as any commodity. “We do not like it”he sentenced.
mercy He insisted that the teaching partnerships “they depend on each province”so a national negotiation would not make sense. “It is a problem for the governors”reiterated while confirming that the Government will deliver, in addition to “vouchers” for school supplies, “a financial containment aid” so that those who send their children to Private schools, denominational or not, can pay their dues. All this in parallel to his decision to use his ferocious “chainsaw” to finance public education, such as reported in this newspaper the teaching references Virginia Pescarmona from Mendoza and Maria Dias Reck of the Province of Buenos Aires.
But how Freedom Advances cannot take a step without commanding it, while mercy He talked to laughter with Avenue and his companions Rivadaviafrom the Pink House the ineffable presidential spokesperson seemed to disavow his own boss. At his usual (and increasingly less interesting) press conference, Manuel Adorni He said that although “National teacher parity as it is does not exist”Yeah scheduled for next week to teaching unions and representatives of the governorates “to try to unblock the conflict.” They were?
What is clear is that the priority of the Government of Javier Miley is to lead the national economy to a path in which it deepens the plundering of social wealth for the benefit of a group of corporationsnational and multinational, and to the direct detriment of the living conditions of millions of working families. Those same families from whom many votes came for Freedom Advanceswith the hope that real changes would come to the aid of those of us who are paying for the crisis without generating it and not the other way around.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com