Judge Concepción Jerez has agreed to archive the investigation of the events that occurred last New Year’s Eve next to the party’s national headquarters on Ferraz Street, when a doll identified with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, was hanged and beaten, ensuring that ” Lack of education is not a crime.”

In an order this Thursday, collected by Europa Press, the head of the Court of Instruction 26 of Madrid assures that the expressions made that day “do not constitute incitement to hatred either to the President of the Government” or to the PSOE and “therefore they should not be persecuted” by Justice.

“Maybe it is not well seen from a civic point of view, and the language is vulgar and foul, and obviously, they could be reprehensible from this perspective, but lack of education is not a crime. It may be unpleasant for the person in question or his supporters, but it is not a crime,” says the judge. Sources from the PSOE tell elDiario.es that they will appeal the file of the case.

According to the PSOE, the attitudes seen during that protest incited actions that were “not legitimate, such as an assassination or a lynching” and put at risk, even in the abstract, the personal safety and integrity and that of those who represent the PSOE. or they identify with the socialist ideology, with “a clear threatening attitude towards all of them,” as stated in their complaint. Thus, the socialists defended that the “absolute seriousness” of the events prevented them from being protected by freedom of expression and pointed to the existence of several crimes.

The complaint stated that if the facts are considered “exclusively” from the perspective of the right to honor of the President of the Government, a crime of libel under articles 205 and 208 of the Penal Code could have been committed. He also alluded to their possible “particular” classification as threats, aggravated by “ideological discrimination” when directed against the social collective, the PSOE and socialist militants.

Source: www.eldiario.es

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