The National Deputy was interviewed on C5N regarding the anti-picketing protocol announced by the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich and the threats promoted by José Luis Espert.

National Deputy Myriam Bregman was interviewed on C5N regarding the anti-picketing protocol announced by the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich and the threats made by José Luis Espert.

Bregman stated that “José Luis Espert came out to Patricia Bullrich, making very serious threats against Nicolás del Caño and me, asking for jail or bullet for us, an expression that he had used other times, but that acquired special relevance after the announcements. of Bullrich.”

You may be interested: Dozens of deputies from various blocs repudiated Espert’s threats

“The minister announces that she is going to strongly repress social protest, she decides on a series of measures that are, in my opinion, totally illegal and unconstitutional, and Espert accompanies her,” added the deputy.

The deputy stated that “we have received enormous solidarity through social networks, you can see them in our network accounts, but also in the Chamber of Deputies we presented a project for this to be repudiated and many deputies from different blocks such as the Union for the Patria, of the Socialist Party, of deputies from provincial blocs have shown solidarity, so it seems to me that it is important to highlight it because we cannot naturalize this type of aggression that urges them to physically attack us.”

You may be interested in: Huge repudiation of Espert for his threat of “jail or bullet” against Bregman and Del Caño

Politics / Myriam Bregman / Patricia Bullrich / José Luis Espert / Repression


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