After the national representative (MC) Myriam Bregman criticized on the social network of the genocidal military of the last coup d’état that took place in our country.

The tweet by this Argentine far-right figure was quickly responded to by the leader of the PTS and the Left Front. Villarruel not only visited the genocidal Rafael Videla in prison. In recent years, while she was a legislator, she also claimed responsibility for the coup d’état that occurred in Bolivia, even wanting to visit former president Jeanine Áñez in prison.

This attack against the Left Front deputy is not surprising coming from the vice president of a government that has been persecuting and trying to set the precedent of imprisoning those who demonstrate against its policy of surrender and looting against the great majorities.

Other leaders of the Left Front also joined the controversy, such as Nicolás del Caño and Christian Castillo

The controversy had wide repercussions in different media outlets, such as Clarín, elDiarioAR, IP, among others.


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