The social and political crisis continues open in Venezuela, after the presidential elections last Sunday. The government of Nicolas Maduro He declared himself the winner with 51.2% of the votes, against the pro-Yankee right of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia y Maria Corina Machado.
Different irregularities in the electoral process -such as the Government’s refusal to deliver copies of the minutes, or not having printed in view of all witnesses (electoral prosecutors) the minutes with the final results of the National Electoral Commission (CNE)- constitute signs of electoral fraud.
The people have the right to know the concrete results and to have the popular will respected. But Public access to detailed election data has not yet been achieved and the government of Nicolas Maduro responded with violent repression and took the lives of some protesters.
For now, regarding the election results, it is the word of the pro-Yankee right, against that of the authoritarian government of Nicolás Maduro. It is necessary that the Government gives access to all the data, minutes and audit channels.
In this context, the Argentine foreign minister Diana Mondinowas quick to declare the winner on Friday Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutiabased on The minutes of the Venezuelan right that had no independent control. Mondino’s statement on the social network X, It was retweeted by President Javier Milei.
After several days of the official electoral records of Venezuela being published at: https://t.co/iwMz5ceihs
We can all confirm, without a doubt, that the legitimate winner and President-elect is Edmundo González.
— Diana Mondino (@DianaMondino) August 2, 2024
However, hours later, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led by Mondino, contradicted her with a public statement: “The Argentine Republic is following the events in Venezuela with extreme attention and concern in order to make a definitive statement.”
On the election results in Venezuela
The Argentine Republic was one of the first countries to reject and disavow the results of the Venezuelan presidential election on July 28. The evidence gathered so far has only confirmed this position.… pic.twitter.com/ojrF1piYva
— Argentine Foreign Ministry 🇦🇷 (@Cancilleria_Ar) August 2, 2024
According to some leaks, it would have been Santiago Caputo (who operates in key areas of the Government without a formal position), who intervened to contradict Diana Mondino’s statement.
Demagogy of the pro-coup right
The right in the region and in the worldseek to take advantage of the authoritarianism of the Nicolás Maduro regime, making demagogy about democracy; but they are preceded by a nefarious tradition of supporting coups d’état in the region, operated from the United States. And they have been allies of the genocidal State of Israel, until today.
Without going any further, the controversial visit of the legislators of La Libertad Avanza to Argentine genocidaires sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity is still hot. And the government itself Javier Milei and Vice President Victoria Villarruel hold a denialist speech about the last civil-military dictatorship.
In the case of the Venezuelan right, the leader Maria Corina Machado (banned by the regime), He was involved in the fleeting military-backed coup known as “Carmonazo” in 2002which attempted to establish a de facto government and overthrow the president Hugo Chavezwho had been elected by democratic elections and who at that time had undoubted popular support. Operated at that time by the American president George W. BushTime and again, Machado and the Venezuelan right tried to seize power through various anti-democratic means.
The right has shown that it has no qualms about imposing itself on the popular will with coup methodsin his quest to seize power and implement an economic program always at the service of American interests, to the detriment of the national interest and of the working and popular majorities. Now he uses the Venezuelan people as a base of maneuver for his plans of surrender, with a demagogic discourse on democracy.
On the other hand, The Maduro regime has been applying a fierce adjustment on the Venezuelan people and has imposed a de facto dollarization, which explains not only the massive migrations, but also the loss of popular support for the Government.The US trade embargo is undoubtedly an aggravating factor, although it should be noted that the Chavez regime, contrary to its national discourse and “21st century socialism”, has not reversed the country’s dependency matrix. The right seeks to deepen economic subjugation and the payment of the external debt that functions as a chain for the countries of the region.
In these elections, there was no independent alternative for the Venezuelan working people. The government orchestrated elections with political proscriptions, intervention and disqualification of parties or candidates. This process It hit the organizations to the left of it the hardest, as they were directly prevented from presenting a candidate..
For its part, the League of Workers for Socialism (LTS), sister organization of the PTS-Frente de Izquierda Unidad, published its own statement:
“Let the government show the records, enough of cheating and fraud and police and paramilitary repression. Only with independent popular and working class mobilization will we be able to fight for the full democratic rights of the people and the working class.. As well as for better living conditions, for the freedom of imprisoned workers, against adjustments and rate hikes, whatever the major factors in dispute, uniting the sectors that fight within the framework of a perspective that is proper to the workers.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com