November 25 is the International Day to Fight Violence against Women. Throughout the world, feminisms will repudiate sexist violence and especially the crime of more than thousands of women, girls and boys in Gaza, murdered during the bombings of the State of Israel. In Argentina, there will be mobilizations in the City of Buenos Aires but also in dozens of cities in the country. It will be the second since the triumph of the far-right Javier Milei.
Today, with the results, we confirm that women are going to fight not to carry one more adjustment on our backs and not to give up one less right than those we won with our fight.
This Monday, like every day, we are going to shout loudly: Enough of femicides, transvesticides and lesbicides. Against the adjustment of Milei and the governors. In defense of legal abortion and CSE. To demand from the union centers: strike and plan of struggle now!
Pan y Rosas will be part of the rallies, events, mobilizations throughout the country. Get organized with us.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com