Social movements, organizations and political leaders, national deputies and legislators from the Left Front gathered to support the appeal against the prosecution of 12 members of the Polo Obrero.
This Tuesday a hearing is being held where the Defense of 12 members of the Polo Obrero -among them Eduardo Belliboni, María Dotti and Jeremías Canteros- will present the grounds for the appeal against the prosecution ordered by federal judge Sebastián Casanello for the alleged crime of “fraudulent administration to the detriment of the State.”
From 10.30am human rights organisations, social organisations, unions, student centres and deputies They gathered at the doors of the Comodoro Py Courtsin support of the defendants.
Among those accompanying are the national deputy Nicholas del Caño and the Buenos Aires legislator Alexandrina Barryboth of the PTS-SEVENAlso Raúl Godoy, leader of MAC-PTS and ceramic worker.
In addition, the Mobilization is replicated in cities across the country and in front of the Argentine embassies in different foreign capitals, such as Rome, Athens and Paris, among others.
Comodoro Py / Polo Obrero / Social movements / persecution
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com