The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, warned this Wednesday, 26th, about irregular movements of Bolivian Army units in La Paz, specifically in Murillo Square, the city’s political center.

Through a publication on his account on X (formerly Twitter), Arce denounced the abnormal concentration of military personnel in the area and reiterated the importance of respect for democracy.

The incident occurred simultaneously with a statement by Evo Morales, former president of Bolivia, who reported an alleged “quartering” by the Armed Forces, raising suspicions about the intention of the military movements.

According to reports from Bolivia TV, the Military Police were deployed with anti-riot equipment to block access to the Casa Grande do Povo, headquarters of the Bolivian government, using gases to disperse civilians who tried to approach. Meanwhile, protesters began to gather in Murillo Square with slogans in defense of democracy.

The Minister of the Presidency, María Nela Prada, reported in a broadcast on the state channel that troops occupied strategic positions around the Casa Grande do Povo, the Chancellery and the Legislative Assembly.

Prada suggested that the mobilization of troops could be a response to the dismissal of General Juan José Zúñiga, which also occurred this Wednesday, after he issued statements considered politically biased, constituting a violation of the constitutional order.

With information from Prensa Latina


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