The vote in the Senate During the evening of this Thursday it was the third consecutive defeat of the Government in just one week. The approval of the retirement mobility with 61 affirmative votes, including almost the entire PRO bench (which in Deputies had voted against), gave rise to the announcement by the ruling party to veto that law.
This intention had already been announced before the vote. The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputoposted a few days ago that “fiscal balance is non-negotiable.” This is the argument they use to justify their opposition to the modest increase in pensions, while giving various types of benefits to big business.
In a statement released by X During the last hour of Thursday, the Government said that: “The National Congress, in an act of demagogic populism, sanctioned an irresponsible, illegal and unconstitutional bill that establishes exorbitant expenses without its corresponding budget allocation.” And it added: “It is a moral fraud, an act of populist demagogy and fiscal irresponsibility; and therefore will be vetoed by this Government.”
During some interviews given this Friday with Antonio Laje in LN+ and with Johnatan Viale in Radio Rivadavia, mercy He confirmed his intention to veto the law “in its entirety” and tried to justify it with data that he could only Caputo, Federico Sturzeneger and he arrives, linking that item that would be allocated to retirements to a supposed “final” the collapse of the country and the youth in poverty” and “a attack against the Argentines.”
According to the President, with the approval of the mobility, “the debt has just increased by 24% of GDP, which means increasing the debt by US$370 billion.” To these outrageous numbers, he added that “we are mortgaging the future” because “you are trapped in a level of tax pressure (with which) it is impossible to grow.”
But Milei pulls those numbers out of the hat to continue justifying its fiscal adjustment, which falls on the majority of workers and retirees. The majority of this adjustment falls on the elderly: no less than 27.7%, followed by public works (22.6%) and the closure of state portfolios and layoffs (15.2%).
Meanwhile, the mobility approved by the Senate represents only 0.45% of GDP. How that 0.45% of GDP reaches 24% of the same and US$ 370 billion, he knows – or more likely not even he. Perhaps he will do it using the same method with which he predicted an annual inflation of 15,000% when he took office.
During the interview with Slabconfirmed that the veto would be “total” and not partial, and pointed to the senators who voted in favor of the project, who he asked, in case they override their eventual veto, “to explain whose taxes they want to raise and whose lives they want to ruin.”
The huge ones economic favors that the Government of mercy It has been doing to big businessmen and speculators, such as special regimes, the reduction of personal assets and money laundering, to name just a few, are some of the “boxes” from which it could take to maintain its sacred “fiscal balance”. But in this case, yes, bold, mercy knows that the senators who represent the various business sectors would not propose something against their interests. Both the President and those legislators They are part of the political caste at the service of the economic caste.
Finally, during both interviews, almost based on, Milei addressed the link with Macrifollowing the votes against his deputies and senators during the last few days. Asked about his meeting in Olivos with the former president, he said that his explanations for that action in Congress were not “satisfactory.”
However Macri posted on X during the last hours that would support the veto of the president. For their part, the senators who voted for mobility maintained that they would maintain their position. Contradictions within the right-wing space that are nothing more than an expression of the crisis facing the political system and its parties representing the business sectors.
These are moments of important crisis for the Government, which had only been covered up by the scandal of the complaint against Alberto Fernandez. The downward trend in the positive image of mercy that had been observed in opinion studies, seems to be added to the political weakness y in Congress that he always had, but that until now he had been able to avoid.
Against the presidential veto it is necessary a national strike and mass mobilization so that the working class and the popular sectors come out to defending the interests of older adults in the face of this attack Freedom Advances.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com