Javier Milei is about to set foot on Spanish soil again. In the midst of a diplomatic crisis between Spain and Argentina due to his last visit to participate in the event of far-right parties organized by Vox, and in which he seriously insulted the president of the Spanish Government and his family, the top Argentine leader returns to collect an award from the Juan de Mariana association, also ideologically linked to the extreme right and the ultra-liberal current, and another from the hands of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the president of the Community of Madrid.

According to sources from Pedro Sánchez’s Executive, this trip is carried out exclusively on a personal basis and without any intervention from the Government either in its organization or in the provision of any service to the Argentine president, since there is no official agenda planned and no dialogue has occurred. between both countries for the coordination of any device.

It is expected that it will be tomorrow, Thursday, when, around seven thirty in the afternoon Argentine time, Javier Milei will take off from Buenos Aires heading to Europe. On Friday morning he should land in Spain to attend a dinner at the Madrid Casino that same day at half past eight in the afternoon. This event, called the Freedom Dinner, is organized by the Juan de Mariana association, which will reward Milei for “becoming the first libertarian President in history, but, above all, for successfully and effectively disseminating the ideas of freedom in a country ruined by socialism for decades, in addition to contributing enormously to the dissemination of liberalism internationally.”

In previous editions, the Juan de Mariana association has awarded other public figures such as the ultra broadcaster Federico Jiménez Losantos or the economist Miguel Anxo Basto, considered one of the gurus of anarcho-capitalist economic theory in Spain, one of the ideological banners of the extreme right in everyone and also the Argentine president.

The Juan de Mariana center was founded in 2005 by Gabriel Calzada, a climate change denier who had relations with similar centers such as the American ‘Ludwig von Mises’ or the ‘Centre for the New Europe’ in Brussels, financed by the oil company ‘Exxon’. Mobil’ and of which Calzada was representative in Spain. Calzada is now president of the University of the Hespérides, a private center in Gran Canaria that has on its faculty, as a key figure, the economist Juan Rallo, director of Juan de Mariana until last year.

The current director is the journalist Manuel Llamas, who also works for the Grupo Libertad Digital, founded and chaired by Federico Jiménez Losantos, Juan de Mariana 2020 winner. Llamas was Javier Fernández-Lasquetty’s chief of staff when he was an advisor to the Díaz Government Ayuso. He is a man in the orbit of former President Aznar. More men from Libertad Digital appear in the hard core, such as Diego Sánchez de la Cruz (also linked to the CEOE), Daniel Rodríguez Herrera or Domingo Soriano. And others like Eduardo Fernández Luiña, former FAES analyst and dean at the University of the Hespérides.

In addition, the presidential spokesperson of the Casa Rosada has confirmed that Milei will also see Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the only political official who will receive him during his stay in Spain. According to the Argentine Government, Ayuso will hand-deliver a distinction from the Community of Madrid in the midst of his country’s diplomatic crisis with Argentina.

The forecast is that Milei will sleep on Friday in Madrid and then continue his European journey. On Saturday she is scheduled to travel to Hamburg, where she will receive the Hayek medal, awarded by the liberal association of the same name. Afterwards, she plans to travel to Berlin. In the German capital she had a bilateral meeting scheduled on Sunday with Chancellor Olaf Scholz that has been canceled and will remain a meeting between both delegations, as reported by the German government spokesperson.

In addition, on Monday he will travel to Prague to receive the award given annually by the Czech Liberal Institute, along the same ultra-liberal ideological line as the rest of the organizations. Later, the provisional program includes a meeting with the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, and also with the Prime Minister, Petr Fiala.

“We do not know the agenda of the president of Argentina, but if the trip finally takes place, I hope that during his statements he maintains respect for the people of Spain and its institutions,” the Government spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, limited herself to commenting this Tuesday during the press conference of the Council of Ministers.

On May 19, Milei became the star of the ultra event that Vox organized in Madrid with far-right organizations from around the world. During his speech, the Argentine president asked to end the protection of the State and raged against socialism “which leads to poverty and death.” “We must destroy this parasitic idea of ​​the West. “This idea that politicians have to take care of the citizen from the cradle to the grave,” said the Argentine president, who directly attacked the president of the Spanish Government and his family.

“Global elites do not realize how destructive it is to implement the ideas of socialism. They do not know what kind of people are screwed to power or what abuses it can generate. Like when he has a corrupt woman, she gets dirty and takes five days to think about it,” she stated.

The Government called its ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations and, subsequently, summoned the Argentine ambassador in Madrid, Roberto Bosch, and repeatedly demanded that the Argentine president apologize. “It is not acceptable for a head of state to go to the capital of another country to insult its institutions and interfere in its internal affairs,” said the Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, who recalled that the Government made available of Milei both the Torrejón air base and the necessary security for his trip, in which he did not meet with either the king or any representative of the Executive. “It is a unique case in the history of international relations,” he added.

Days later, the Government officially announced its decision to permanently withdraw the ambassador in Buenos Aires, María Jesús Alonso, due to the attitude of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, who not only did not apologize for his insults to Pedro Sánchez and his wife. , but he influenced them by calling Pedro Sánchez a “coward.”

Source: www.eldiario.es

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