Most opponents are concerned with forms while endorsing the content of a reactionary program. Editorial of “El Círculo Rojo”, a program on La Izquierda Diario that broadcasts on Thursdays from 10 p.m. to midnight on Radio Con Vos, 89.9.

  • – Make a balance of the 100 days of the Government of Javier Milei following the minute by minute of its political dynamics is a impossible task.
  • Because? Because Milei’s method is one that he himself explained back in 2022 when he wrote on Twitter / X: “How do you hide an elephant? And he himself answered: “He is surrounded by an enormous number of elephants…”
  • And that is precisely what the Government does: release real or imaginary “elephants” to not lose centrality in the public conversationdon’t stop feed its most rabid hard core and make everyone angry about a thousand things at once. An impotent indignation and, above all, that It can make us lose sight of the big movements that are really taking place on the political stage.
  • That and nothing else were, for example, the provocations launched before #8M (International Women’s Day) when the name of the Women’s Hall in Casa Rosada was changed or, at this time, when we are nowhere near a new March 24, with denser themes like the one announced Patricia Bullrich and Luis Petri on eventual participation of the Armed Forces in internal tasks, he change of the Penal Code to toughen penalties against those who promote demonstrations or the rumor of possible pardons for genocidal soldiers. Be careful, I am not saying that these issues are just distracting maneuvers, I am saying that they must be observed in the overall scenario.
  • What is that scenario in these 100 days? Well, a government that moved forward (taking advantage of the rejection of all of the above, which is the basis of those who continue to support Milei today) in an adjustment plan that until now has been more successful in the blender than in the chainsaw. This is about liquefying salaries, pensions and income and less about “structural reforms.” But we could say that The adjustment is in the “credit” of the Government measured in its own terms.
  • It is fiscal adjustmentUntil now, “successful” is combined with a Notorious political and economic fragility what casts doubt on power factors on the sustainability (economic, social and political) of the libertarian project.
  • From an economic point of view, the latest report from PxQ (the consulting firm led by Emmanuel Álvarez Agis) assures that “on the fiscal front, The main anchor of the government program is initially based on an interruption of payments. In the first two months of the year, the global surplus was achieved fundamentally due to a drop in spending, mainly in pensions, but also due to the retraction of capital spending, the postponement of energy payments and the delay of public salaries. And, furthermore, he adds that “the initial shock of exchange rate correction, price deregulation and fiscal adjustment generated the largest contraction in economic activity since the pandemic. The magnitude and speed of the fall in real wages calls into question the social and political sustainability of the LLA program. In addition, the drop in activity affects the collection of taxes linked to the domestic market, which represents an extra challenge to maintain the fiscal anchor.” Let’s see, Caputo’s postponement of rate increases is an admission that they are in trouble.
  • The inconsistencies are notable and evident. To this we must add the political setbacks. Is a government that never tires of losing and, furthermore, celebrate those defeats as if they were triumphs. The most resonant were the fall of the “Omnibus Law” in the Deputies and the rejection of the DNU in the Senate. Let’s see, for the microworld of Twitter fans it can work to transform defeats into victories, but serious people and those who put their interests at stake know how to clearly differentiate one thing from the other.
  • The intern with Victoria Villarruelnow tied with wire, has to do with this: with a aspiration for power of the vice presidentbut that is projected onto a fragile president. Nobody remembers the vice presidents of strong presidents. It was very graphic that in his defense after the Senate’s defeat, Villarruel will not be compared with, let’s say Julio Cobos and someone similar, but with Cristina Fernándezwho was a politically strong figure in the Frente de Todos, against a fragile president.
  • In the same sense, it is a Government that in 100 days has several officials fired or resigned (Omar Yasín in Trabajo and more recently Armando Guibert, from the State Transformation Secretariat), it is an open secret that is going to change the head of the La Libertad Avanza bench in deputies (Oscar Zago) to replace him with José Luis Espert.
  • Now, faced with this situation we have a broad spectrum that goes to the rescue of the Milei Government with a speech that focuses on forms and says he agrees with many things about the content: This ranges from radical or Peronist deputies and senators who propose that the Government send “mirror” laws to the DNU (and some even write it down), the governors who could negotiate not to hasten the fall of the DNU in Deputies if they start funding (which may come from the reinstatement of the salary tax), passing through the CGT, which says it would be willing to discuss some labor reforms, until reaching CFK, which has already stated that it is willing to discuss privatizations or labor flexibility..
  • Many of these leaders say that Milei’s problem is “formal” and they offer him (what the Monetary Fund demands) expand the coalition to give sustainability to the program.
  • It can fail, due to Milei’s own propensity for self-defeat based on unprecedented arrogance or because the program is unsustainablebut that does not mean that the intention does not exist.
  • Bueno, It is not only necessary to confront the Government “in general”, but also those who want to give it a hand by opposing the forms and not the content. Milei’s problem is one of form, but essentially it is of substance.
  • Politics / Cristina Fernández de Kirchner / Javier Milei / Victoria Villarruel / mega DNU


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