The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Mauro Vieirawill discuss with the president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva the imminent expulsion of the Brazilian ambassador to Nicaragua, Breno Souza da Costascheduled for this Thursday.

The expulsion measure was motivated, according to sources in the Nicaraguan press, by Brazil’s non-participation in the celebrations of 45th Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolutionwhich took place in Managua on July 19.

According to Itamaraty, the ambassador’s absence at the event is due to the freezing of diplomatic relations between Brazil and Nicaragua.

This decision was a response to the arrest of Nicaraguan religious leaders, an action that intensified criticism of the government of Daniel Ortega for its policies considered authoritarian.

Since 2022, Ortega has adopted severe measures against Catholic Churchincluding the seizure of property and the dissolution of religious orders, as well as the detention of priests and bishops.

Brazil, trying to mediate a solution between the Vatican and Managua, demanded the release of the detained religious leaders.

Last week, the Brazilian embassy in Managua received a formal complaint from the Nicaraguan government, which also threatened to expel the Brazilian ambassador.

The situation continues to be a focal point in Brazil’s foreign relations with Latin American countries under left-wing regimes.


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