Hundreds of students, teachers and researchers convened by the FULP and the ADULP and ATULP unions, as well as left-wing and non-group organizations filled the vicinity of the Rectorate of the University of La Plata in defense of the right to education, and to sing “workers’ university”, “general strike” and “where is the CGT?”
In dialogue with La Izquierda Diario, a journalism major student stated that “we should not allow them to come with their flags that public education is useless because there are many of us and we are here to fight,” while two workers, an initial teacher and a researcher, added that “it is very important that we remain organized to be able to put together a good fighting plan” and in a wink they closed: “if I were the CGT, I would call for a general strike.”
“What happened today,” said a student, “shows that the unity of all sectors from below is the way to confront Milei’s war plan that aims to advance each of the rights and continue attacking working families.”
At the end they reinforced by calling for a new day, about which Magda Achinelli, a member of Contra Prensa remarked: “this does not end here, tomorrow it is essential to continue filling the streets against the layoffs and redouble our strength on the next 23rd in the federal educational march, and in the strike called by the CGT for April 9.” And regarding the type of strike called by the union center for next month, he highlighted the importance of it being active and with mobilization “demanding a true plan of struggle until the entire plan of Milei and the governors is overthrown. These experiences, together “With the strength of neighborhood assemblies and social movements they show us that the strength belongs to those from below: we must organize it.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com