Tens of thousands of people gather in front of the National Congress. In Córdoba a crowd marched as had already happened on April 23. This claim intersects with others, such as the defense of Aerolíneas Argentinas, and the rejection of the adjustment against retirees or the public health sector. We must impose on the CGT and the CTA to call for a national strike, as part of a fighting plan that continues until the adjustment as a whole is defeated.


Tens of thousands of people gather in front of Congress

An important concentration takes place in front of the National Congress. The march, which brings together students, teachers, non-teachers, workers and retirees. They repudiate the more than certain presidential veto against the University Financing Law.


Myriam Bregman at the National University March

The reference and former national representative of the PTS-FITU is in the massive mobilization that takes place in the City of Buenos Aires.


National day begins

Just like what happened on April 23, when more than a million university students took to the streets in more than 70 cities across the country, this Wednesday again a tide will manifest in defense of public educationagainst the veto of Javier Miley to the University Financing Lawfor the victory of the teaching struggle for salary recomposition and for all the struggles of workers and retirees to win. The mobilization in the City of Buenos Aires will be directed to National Congress to demand the promulgation of the recently voted law and reject the presidential veto.

Teacher unions and federations stop, just as they did last week Historical Conadu y Conadu. Ctera joins this Wednesday. But union centers like the CGT and the CTAAlthough they adhere to the mobilization, they did not call for a national strike that would allow the forceful participation of all workers.

mercy announced that he will veto the University Financing Lawbut its impact in budgetary terms is only 0.14% of GDP and it is a recomposition of the adjustment already made, so it is not an improvement with respect to the previous deterioration although it is a “shield” against future attempts of inflationary liquefaction.


Massive mobilization in Córdoba


Students and workers from the UNLP arrive in Buenos Aires from La Plata

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At the Garrahan Hospital they march en masse towards the concentration


Bullrich wants to be the protagonist

After noon Federal Police erected a street fence in the vicinity of the National Congress. The Ministry of Security’s attempt is to complicate the arrival of thousands of protesters. The speech of Patricia Bullrich of “avoiding cuts” falls under its own weight: when there are still hours before the mass concentration, it is the federal forces that cut off the avenues.


They release turnstiles on the subway in support of the university march

Between 12h. and 1 p.m. At the Federico Lacroze station on line B, turnstiles were released. This was announced in a press release by Claudio Dellecarbonara, member of the AGTSyP secretariat. In addition, with the measure they reject the higher rate in the service and continue to denounce Emova for the terminal crisis of the line.


Important mobilization in Comodoro Rivadavia


[Video] Public universities in danger

The 2024 University Budget is the lowest in the last 30 years. And Milei not only wants to veto the university financing law, but is preparing more cuts for 2025. Teaching and non-teaching salaries are the most affected. Three keys to what is at stake in the mobilization of this October 2 in defense of the public university.


Let’s have a great national day against the entire Milei plan

It is necessary organize from below and in assemblies the broadest unity to demand a serious fighting plan from the union leaders so that the university struggle wins and in support of the ongoing struggles. For example, the aeronautical workers who fight against the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas and for the right to strike will mobilize this Wednesday. The fights that retirees carry out because more than 4 million receive a minimum that is not enough for 10 days of the month and Milei vetoed a paltry increase of $17,000. The fight of the Health workers like in the Garrahan Hospital who are also fighting for a salary recomposition after having lost 36% with Milei. Or, the workers in the State who are the center of the government’s ideological attack, with layoffs and salary reduction. Among many other struggles throughout the country.

We have to unite what the government, the big employers and the union bureaucracies seek to divide. In that unity and in the streets lies the strength to tear down the adjustment plan of Milei and the IMF. Up the educational budget and pensions. Down with the vetoes and the entire Milei and IMF plan. No confidence in the actions of the authorities and Congress. Unite all the struggles. National active strike and fight plan.

The massive educational march on April 23, 2024 in Buenos Aires.

Politics / University / Education / Conadu / University teachers / Public education / Historical Conadu / Argentine University Federation / National University March / University conflict / Educational community / Live

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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