Sergio Massa is still in the campaign. Although his announcements do not cause an impact even among his own ranks, today he was in charge of announcing the Emplea PyMEs program. According to the minister, “it seeks to generate a climate of confidence, but above all to stimulate white and formal employment. It means for SMEs that generate work and boost youth employment, economic relief”.
Trust, encouragement, relief. Sergio likes to sweeten his listeners. But what is the program about?
A reduction of up to 100% of employer contributions for “new labor relations” for a term of two years from the worker’s entry, as well as the same benefit for the first job for young people between 18 and 25 years of age.
In addition, it provides for “a scheme for the protection and regularization of precarious labor situations, so that SMEs can regularize current labor relations in the private sector that began prior to the date of promulgation of this law.”
Specifically, if the employer “remembers” that he had a worker for years without registering, he will have the following benefits: he is released from criminal sanctions and legal conflicts; he can amend the deregistration of employers with labor sanctions (Repsal); the debt for principal, interest and fines for regularized workers are forgiven; the worker “does not lose” contributions, since the State will calculate the contributions not paid for up to 70 months.
As always, under the umbrella of the “SME” laws come favors to all employers. As the newspaper La Nación points out, “for the new job in a company of a worker who does not have social plans, the payment of contributions will be 50% (first year) and 75% (the second). But if it is an SME directly, it will not pay contributions. Meanwhile, if the worker has social plans, the savings will be 100%. It doesn’t matter if you are a big company or a small firm. The same is true for those young people between the ages of 18 and 25.”
As we can see, the benefit is supposedly aimed at those who hire beneficiaries of social plans, young people or regularize “black” workers. The argument is not new. In recent years, both Macri and the Frente de Todos have announced different plans (Puente al Empleo, Más empleo, Te Sumo) and other programs that, under the story of incorporating young people and the unemployed, what they do is grant benefits to companies that In general, they hire these workers in the lowest categories and seasonally, to take advantage of the favors offered by the State. Despite these plans, unregistered work among young people continues to double that of adults, with salaries 40% lower, and among the new jobs, “independent work” (monotributo and self-employment) as well as informal work stands out.
But it is also not new because Massa follows the recipes for the reduction of employer contributions of Menemism and Macri (in this type of plan). Favors that never generate employment, because the thirst for business profits does not have sizes.
In addition, the announcement is made in the context of a strong adjustment through inflation, which has pulverized worker wages. In addition, the slowdown is beginning to be felt in some sectors. While Milei and Bullrich talk about labor reforms for new workers, Massa makes these announcements that sweeten the ears of employers. But he also does it as a campaign measure, since he sends the bill to Congress without taking any concrete action.
We are facing a war of speeches and announcements to see who can provide more business to businessmen while the adjustment is maintained. Only the Left Front proposes a way out that touches business interests so that the crisis is not paid for by the working people.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com