This Friday the International Monetary Fund issued a statement confirming an understanding with the presidential candidate of Union for the Fatherland. The agreement implies deepening the same measures as always: tightening of fiscal policy, updating energy rates, containing the growth of the wage bill and more social adjustment. Sergio Massa -although in candidate mode he makes promises-, it is clear that rules for the #IMF and speculators.

Given this, the national deputy, Nicholas del Caño, He denounced the consequences of this agreement through his Twitter account: “Massa agreed with the IMF on a greater adjustment against the working people. Harden the fiscal goal, increase rates, more salary loss and cut in social items. Although in candidate mode he continues to make promises, he governs for the #IMF and the speculators ”.

Nicolás del Caño, together with Myriam Bregman and the rest of the benches of the FIT Unit, They not only voted against the agreement with the IMF, but also raise the sovereign ignorance of the debt. A radical proposal that seeks to confront the policies imposed by the international organization that mainly affect the popular and working majorities.

The agreement with the IMF implies a greater reduction in spending and a deepening of adjustment policies. Measures that the government has been applying, such as cuts in subsidies for electricity and gas. This has resulted in a sharp increase in electricity and gas bills, which has had a negative impact on the pockets of working people. In addition, the IMF returns to demand, and the government has just accepted, even greater adjustments in pensions as part of the agreement. As well as the reduction in the social plan program.

The only alternative is not to renegotiate the agreement with the IMF as proposed Union for the Fatherland to make the weight of the debt more tolerable, but to raise a program based on the interests of the working people and not international financial capital. That’s why the Unity Left Front, the list of Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño proposes to reject the adjustment, and the agreement of the Fund, mobilize for the sovereign ignorance of the public debt as an inseparable part of a set of measures such as the nationalization of foreign trade and banking under the control of the workers to develop an alternative response to the crisis and that this time the workers will not pay for it.


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