Photos: Belén and Diana
At KM 0 of the City of Mendoza, thousands of Mendoza men and women mobilized on a new anniversary of the genocidal coup. Human rights, union, student, social and political organizations once again took to the streets to say “Another March 24 in the streets. 30 thousand disappeared compañeros and compañeras present. Memory, Truth and Justice”.
The left, together with social organizations, held an independent act on the steps of the Judiciary, where they denounced the repressive policy of the provincial government and the adjustment of the national government, which cuts social plans to pay the IMF. The PTS, together with the MST, Partido Obrero, Polo Obrero, Frente Popular Darío Santillán, the Assembly for Pure Water of Las Heras and other organizations participated in the massive event.

Lautaro Jiménez, leader of the PTS, reported that “we are once again in the streets against the denialist right that wants to revive the military party, against the parties that militate the adjustment of the IMF, one of the organizers of the coup. In a context of repression and criminalization of social protest, we are once again in the streets together with workers, women and youth to say that the revolutionary struggle for a more just society is still in force”.
Nora Moyano, a leader of the Assembly of Las Heras for Pure Water and persecuted for defending Law 7722, recounted that “we are here because the repressive apparatus has deepened, they criminalize the protest, because they still have the Mapuche compañeras in prison, because they still I am criminalized, because they advance with extractivism, against the water that is life. 47 years after the genocidal dictatorship we say there were 30,000 and a genocide”.

This new anniversary occurred within the framework of the persecution of the provincial government, which promotes causes to criminalize the protest, such as the one against Nora Moyano for defending Law 7722 or the persecution against the organizations of the Piquetero Unit that mobilize against the cut. of the Potenciar Trabajo plans and for which he kept Martín Rodríguez and Lorena Torres, militants of the Polo Obrero, in detention for a week. Also, just a few days before the mobilization, Catholic groups attacked a feminist art show at the UNCuyo Rectorate.

Martín Rodríguez from the Polo Obrero and Lorena Torres from the FOL who were detained for protesting and were released after several demonstrations.

Polo Martínez, a historic trade union and human rights leader in the province, assured that “we are commemorating all the comrades who fell and disappeared after the criminal, dictatorial and tyrannical coup of 1976 by Videla, Agosti and Massera. We are vindicating all those comrades who They fought so that a dictatorship of this nature never occurs again. It is a very important day, perhaps the most important of all the Argentine commemorations due to the significance of the coup and also because of the resistance that there was on the part of all the revolutionary militants , hard-working and popular to make another society and another country”.

Ester and Nely from the La Terre recovered and work cooperative together with the deputy fulfilled mandate Mailé Rodriguez.

“I am here like every year because I have a brother detained and disappeared during the government of María Estela de Perón, he and his partner Biatríz Fariña disappear. We continue to insist after so many years, we presented eleven Habeas Corpus and we never received an answer, he is currently in the office of Dr. Rafecas”, recounted Susana Fornie.

Marielena, who mobilized together with neighbors of the Flores neighborhood, said that “we are here for the 47th anniversary of the coup, for all the disappeared people, because we have come to claim and we are tired of so much persecution that exists in the country The government, instead of accepting the claims made by the people, after 47 years continues to repress. Now as before, the International Monetary Fund continues to rule the country and throughout Latin America. We are here to say no more.”

For his part, Nico Fernandez, leader of the MST, responded that “We are in the streets for the rights of yesterday and for the rights of today and fundamentally because the government is applying an adjustment through the International Monetary Fund and the Mendoza government of Suarez, who is also an accomplice, we have seen him in the repressive outpost a few days ago when they arrested comrades from the Polo Obrero and the FOL because they want to instruct the labor movement, the workers so that they do not take to the streets to fight.”

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com