On the morning of this Friday (24), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) used social networks to state that it is “urgent” that a group of countries not involved in the war in Ukraine assume the role of forwarding negotiations to the restoration of the end of the conflict.
“At a time when humanity, with so many challenges, needs peace, one year of the war between Russia and Ukraine is completed. It is urgent that a group of countries, not involved in the conflict, assume the responsibility of forwarding a negotiation to restore peace”, said Lula, on the same day that the conflict completes one year of duration.
At a time when humanity, with so many challenges, needs peace, one year of the war between Russia and Ukraine is completed. It is urgent that a group of countries, not involved in the conflict, assume the responsibility of forwarding a negotiation to restore peace.
— Lula (@LulaOficial) February 24, 2023
The petista has also stated that the invasion of Ukraine by Russia was a “crass mistake”, but “when one doesn’t want to, two don’t fight”. He also said that he has no interest in sending weapons that could be used in the conflict. “Brazil does not want to have any participation, even if indirect”, stated the PT member last month.
Brazil was the only BRICS country to vote in favor of withdrawing Russian troops from Ukraine at the UN General Assembly (United Nations), which approved this Thursday (23) a resolution that condemns the “harmful humanitarian consequences” of the invasion.
Unlike Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa did not vote in favor of the revolution. The text had 141 votes in favor, 7 against and 33 abstentions.
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/lula-diz-que-paises-nao-envolvidos-na-guerra-na-ucrania-devem-negociar-fim-do-conflito-urgente/