Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, nominated for the Brazilian embassy in Washington. Photo: Disclosure

Lula made official the appointment of ambassadors to the main diplomatic posts in Brazil this Tuesday (21). The president included diplomats who were left aside by the Jair Bolsonaro government in posts, such as Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti. The nominees still need to be reviewed and approved by the Federal Senate, by the Foreign Relations and National Defense committees and later by the plenary of the legislative house.

Appointed to the Washington embassy, ​​Viotti has already received the agrément, a diplomatic document in which the host government agrees with the nomination. She was even quoted to head the Itamaraty, but the president preferred to restore Mauro Vieira to the position.

The diplomat has already been Brazil’s representative at the UN (United Nations), ambassador in Berlin, undersecretary general for Asia and the Pacific and chief of staff of António Guterres’ UN secretary general. She will replace Nestor Forster, nominated by Bolsonaro for the post in Washington.

Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, who was in Egypt, will represent Brazil in London. Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto, former secretary for Multilateral Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will replace him in Cairo.

Carvalho Neto was appointed to the Brazilian embassy in Paris by Bolsonaro, but the nomination was not even questioned by the Senate.

Sérgio França Danese was nominated by Lula to head the Brazilian mission to the UN in New York. He has headed the embassies of Argentina, Peru, Algeria and South Africa, and has been Secretary General of Foreign Affairs twice.

The name chosen by the president for the Brazilian embassy in Buenos Aires was Julio Glinternick Bitelli. Everton Vieira Vargas, who was already in the post and was left aside by the Bolsonaro administration, will be Brazil’s representative at the Vatican.

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