On December 10, a new stage began in our country. Milei’s right took over the government. As we have been warning, Milei’s plan is a declaration of war against the great majorities. And the left has proposals to organize the strength of the working class, women and youth.

To carry out her plan Milei not only negotiates with the caste and the powerful. She also needs the help of the mainstream media to build – and sell – their own version of the truth. So that they bombard with the idea that “an adjustment is inevitable” and “a new sacrifice.” Let them hide the attacks and fights that arise. Let them dirty those of us who oppose their war plan. And that they take advantage of this “business of (mis)information.”

Not all media will follow that script. Some will surely denounce part of the adjustment. But we are sure that none of them will aim to reflect all the hardships that the looting will bring, nor to multiply the voice of the resistance and the left that proposes another way out.

La Izquierda Diario yes. We are going to be, as we have been for a decade, on the same side.

In these weeks, before the government takes office and launches its measures, it has already begun to be felt. Thanks to our correspondents in companies, factories, neighborhoods and schools, we publish the news that no one spreads. And since they needed to come to light, they became the most read on LID. The first layoffs and suspensions in the metallurgical companies of Tierra del Fuego were the most read article in recent weeks, along with the “voluntary retirements” in automotive companies. Also the fight that achieved the signing of contracts in the Ministry of Women and Diversities, a persecutory dismissal in Jumbo Pilar or the stopped lines in Mondelez. Many of them appeared in Google search results, in Google News, or in Discover (the news that your cell phone shows you). In our networks some went far. Like the video of the response of the drivers of “Cole” (Neuquén) to a gang that wanted to evict a picket, the occupation of the Virreyes Clinic and the eviction in Villa Albertina. Also the voices that our reporters collect on the street: hundreds of opinions about how the crisis is experienced.

But in order to show what other media are silent about or distort with fake news, we need every militant and every sympathizer of the left. To our thousands of readers and followers on social networks. To the workers’ fighters, the women’s movement, youth and the environment.

Because if they touch one, they touch all. And that cannot be hidden. We have a proposal: that you join, with your cell phone, to build a national network of thousands of correspondents to show reality from below and disseminate the struggles and ideas that we share. As did the young people of the Arab Spring or the Latin American rebellions in Colombia or Chile, as do the new union activists in the US, the women who organize around the world and the Palestinian “influencers” who raise their voices against censorship and genocide.

How to collaborate with La Izquierda Diario?

First of all, it is important to be able to record those complaints, attacks and fights that arise in your work, your neighborhood or city, your school. Or those sent to you by friends, in groups or from other community media. We all know how to film, take photos and tell in audio what is happening around us. We want those tools that we use every day to help us show what is happening. They send us that information to our networks, to the newspaper’s telephone numbers or to our journalists, so that we can disseminate it.

You can write to us by Whatsapp at 11 2340 9864, and to our networks. Here on Instagram.

We also want you to help us make that news viral. To break censorship and the media siege. Let no attack, no grievance, no complaint or fight be hidden. Sharing and spreading through WhatsApp and networks. Let our truth be known. If the right does its campaigns on networks, we have to do ours.

Not just conflicts. Also the proposals that the left has so that the crisis is not paid for by working people. Like the videos and notes of our columnists and the interventions of our deputies (Myriam Bregman, Nicolás del Caño, Alejandro Vilca and Christian Castillo) that these weeks reached hundreds of thousands of views. They are the only ones who bring our voice to Congress and the mainstream media, who with their reach can help us fight the agenda that the powerful want to impose on us.

A means for resistance and a leftist exit

As we told you, in La Izquierda Diario we show what no one shows. Not just so that the truth is known. La Izquierda Diario wants to “connect” the struggles, help organize them, coordinate them, to explode the immobility of the union and social bureaucracies.

But also La Izquierda Diario is a collective and militant medium to fight for a leftist exit. Bank with the contribution of PTS militants, FIT sympathizers and workers like you who want journalism independent of political power, union bureaucracies and businessmen. A journalism to tell our own story. To transform what outrages us. So that, hand in hand with the working class, the vast majority of society, the one that makes the world work, we can end this system of exploitation and oppression and build socialism from below.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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