A new anniversary of the first Ni Una Menos is approaching and once again we have reasons to be in the streets to say: enough of femicides, the State and governments are responsible! 139 femicides so far in 2023, many who could not get out of situations of violence because they did not have a house to go to, a job with which to support herself and her children, or a care team, because hospitals are overflowing at the same time. time that the complaints the State does not listen to them.

From the Left Unity Front with our partner Myriam Bregman, we have presented in the Chamber of Deputies numerous times, a bill for the eradication of gender violencewhich proposes to create a Provincial and national Emergency Plan to guarantee shelters, subsidies and paid work licenses for all those who need it, as well as credits to access housing, interdisciplinary teams for public health care and other elementary measures, but all governments have boxed it, and as we know nobody gives us anything and we have to conquer these urgent measures in the streets.

For the television the anti-rights they are still in a war against women and sexual diversityas mercy and his vice Villaruel, fervent defenders of illegal abortion and against sexual education in schools speaking of “gender ideology”, those who speak of the “caste” but defend the Church that lives on State subsidies, and big businessmen responsible for the enormous poverty that exists. We warn the dinosaurs that we continue to fight for the effective implementation of the voluntary termination of pregnancy, we continue to organize so that there is comprehensive and secular sexual education at all levels, for the separation of Church and State.

The economic crisis and social us it affects especially at womenwho are mostly breadwinners, the government He spoke of ministries and “return women”, but in these 4 years only the agreement with the International Monetary Fundlegalizing the macrist scamwith the consequences of cuts to social assistance, to budgets in homes where many women continue to fight for a roof as in Guernica, in health where nurses work in the corridors and work exhausting days, and in salaries that are not enough It is denounced by teachers in many provinces of the country.

We conquered our rights in the streets showing our strength throughout the country, it is with that same strength, in unity with the workers, with which we can face the adjustment of the government, the right wing and the IMF.

The groups that support the government will gather in Congress at 2:00 p.m.

In the city of Buenos Aires we will do it together with left-wing organizations and the National Assembly of Relatives of Victims of Femicides and Disappearances, we will march from Av de Mayo and July 9 to Plaza de Mayo starting at 2:00 p.m.

Come with Bread and Roses throughout the country

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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