Lima lived this last Thursday a new day of mobilizations against the coup government of Dina Boluarte, demanding its fall, the closure of parliament -controlled mainly by the deeply racist right and defender of the regime established by the Fujimorist Constitution of 1993- and a constituent assembly .
Several thousand arrived in the center of the Peruvian capital, coming from regions such as Cusco, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, and Ica. Other regions of the country were also present but to a lesser extent than those mentioned.
The framework of the day was given by the call for a general strike called by the CGTP. Columns of construction workers (which is the majority base of the workers union), plastic and cardboard workers, the Federation of Municipal Workers marched towards Plaza Dos de Mayo in Lima. Also marched doctors, technicians from the Children’s Hospital, telephone, the Textile Federation, teachers and workers and trade workers. These columns nucleated around seven thousand workers.
The government’s response was to militarize the areas of Lima where the protesters were going to march.
In all these sectors there is the strength to defeat the coup government of Dina Boluarte. But unfortunately the strike was under compliance, many joined the mobilization after leaving their jobs. This was not the responsibility of the workers themselves, but of the leadership of the CGTP, which not only requested authorization from the Ministry of Labor of that illegitimate and repressive government (more than 60 people murdered, thousands injured, detained, tortured by the Police and the Army) to make the call to stop, but their policy is against the fact that it is the workers themselves who unite in democratic assemblies and can decide how to really confront the Boluarte government.
As José Rojas, a militant of the Socialist Current of the Workers of Peru, wrote for La Red Internacional de la Izquierda Diario: “It will not be, then, with this general strike “to dry”, without preparation at the bases and supervised by the executive, which the CGTP is now calling, that the fall of the coup government of Dina Boluarte will be ensured, far from it, with this This measure will put an end to the rotten regime of 1993. We need to promote a political general strike, prepared and guaranteed from the bases, with assemblies in the places of work and study, where delegates are also elected to promote a national struggle committee that ensures the effectiveness of this measure and thus a strike is imposed without subservience or asking the government for permission.”
But as we said, the force for that is present. A day without preparation, without prior consultations or the possibility of deciding, saw more than seven thousand workers who marched with their unions mobilize against the government. While in the regions the blockades of routes and roads continue, despite the repression. In the Puno region, in the city of Juliaca, the Police once again repressed thousands of protesters, one month after the massacre carried out in that city, killing 18 people. Several injuries were reported in the afternoon. Also at the end of the mobilization in Lima, the Police once again repressed the protesters who were in the square.
Despite the harsh repression, workers, peasants, indigenous peoples, and students continue to take to the streets to confront the coup government, the right-wing promoter of the coup, and which defends the Fujimori regime that only brought hardships, high precariousness, and alarming rates. of poverty and indigence for the working people. But as they have been demonstrating for two months and today it was seen in the organized workers’ columns, there are forces to defeat it.
A political general strike can achieve that objective, imposing a provisional government of organizations in struggle, headed by the working class that calls for a true free and sovereign constituent assembly, to be able to discuss the great problems that afflict deep Peru, the one that two years ago months he has been facing the coup in the streets.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com