“Thank you, president.
Well, it seems to me that throughout the debate many have been raised, many issues that are important to reflect, president.
In the first place, it seems to me that, coming from a government that came stating that it was going against the caste, put as the main agenda, its main objective in these extraordinary, an agenda properly of the caste, that is, to seek convenience To put the electoral rules and make a calendar based on their own interests and other political forces that are endorsing this, it is clearly not what is now worrying to many settlers and residents of the south of Patagonia, who are burning their Casas, who is burning everything, president.
It is understood that it is said that resources will be saved with the step, but that is totally false. He said, even, Deputy Tetaz: much of those resources were the tickets, and now there will be ballots because they raised the unique ballot, something that does not even inform the population. So, it is all verse, it is all verse based on perpetuating in power to the political force of Javier Milei, which is carrying out this disaster of the adjustment that the working people are living.
Today we were in the Health Commission and no deputy or deputy of La Libertad advances came to listen to those workers. They explained: “next to me is no longer my partner or my co -worker, who performed a fundamental task for this hospital, for this health system, for the PAMI that serves retirees and retirees.” 500 layoffs of workers!
So, of course this is not what interests millions of retirees who charge the minimum. No, because, well, here, of course, you charge 4 million pesos. They said they went against the caste … the caste? They charge 4 million pesos! But those retirees and retirees are killing them.
On the other hand, to the millionaires, to whom they reduced the personal property tax, well, those who are partying, those who live from financial capital, which are enriched with the financial bicycle. Now that taxes are going to lower taxes on luxury cars. That is, the truth is that they are very clear for whom they govern.
This is closely linked to this law, closely linked, because when they raise in the original government project eliminate any limit for private contributions in campaigns, it is because they want to deepen something that exists today, but do it totally legal and increase it even more : The financing of the Great Capital, of the large business groups, to the electoral campaigns of those who then govern.
Let’s see, let’s not forget Mauricio Macri. And this was reported by the journalist of *Diario La Nación *: Macri asked for 1 % of the heritage to each of the great millionaires and businessmen of Argentina, saying: “If you contribute, this is an investment, because later he goes to Redunder that your heritage increases much more. “
And that is what Milei does, which is obviously the folpud of international financial capital, isn’t it? Of the * Elon Musk * of this world. That caste of billionaires is for those who are governing, right? For those who are governing freedom.
So, wanting to restrict political forces at most to two or three functional coalitions to continue ruling for these sectors and that do not even have possibilities those forces that we are independent of the economic power of having voices …
Because, if the state financing of the campaigns is removed, as the original government project raised, well, how are we going to do to express, in those few seconds, the forces of workers and workers, of young people, of students, the forces from the left or emerging forces who want to run? How are they going to do to participate and so that electors and voters have the democratic right to know the proposal of all political forces in a minimally equal condition?
Obviously, in this system it will not be equal, but these are elementary conditions.
So what do they want? That there are no voices? That there are no deputies and deputies that we are every Wednesday accompanying the retirees here, who, in addition to removing medicines and coverage, fall to sticks?
President, what do you want? Precisely, there is no representation of those political forces that raise other voices and defend the interests of the popular sectors.
Of course, president, that this is functional. And all those sectors of the opposition, or that are said of the opposition, because many are a “Blue” ruling, that they vote this, are voting for the convenience of an executive branch that attacks sexual diversity, as we already saw with Dao. And then he says: “No, they took me out of context,” but it goes last night and repeats exactly the same, saying that homosexuals are pedophiles. A brutal attack! Permanent grievances towards women, towards all movement movement that conquered rights and that freedom progresses considers “privileges.”
No, they are not privileges. They are rights: to live in freedom, to decide who to love.
You talk about freedom … but only for large business groups. That is why they bring this law. Now they negotiated with the caste, they negotiate.
What they really seek is the beginning of a political reform that practically eliminates – I will not develop here all the points raised by the Government’s law – but that included leonine conditions to be able to maintain the legal status of a political force that you want to present in a district, or not even speak nationally.
It is the triple, the quadruple of demand of what exists today. Four more times!
Is that the freedom of expression that they claim to defend? On the contrary, absolutely the opposite, president.
Therefore, as my partners and colleagues have already raised, we will reject this.
And finally, I want to alert, president, that here was spoken – according to what we know for different blocks of parliamentary journalism – that they lack signatures to have the opinion. They don’t have it.
There was talk of pressures, offers. Maybe offers like *Kueider *, right? Because here the deputy just laughed, but we already saw it with *Kueider *.
The government has a practice: when the majority does not get, it seeks, through coima, from corruption, to obtain the laws it wants.
He does not benefit the popular sectors, who are not interested in this debate.
And, in addition, the savings is false.
I say something that also raised here and that is serious. Because, then, if the elections are a cost, well, what do they want? What governs Milei for life? That there are no more elections?
So what is, president?
It seems to me that there is only an interest of caste, of the caste of *Libero *, which is perpetuated in power.
And for that they bring this law with all the partners and friends they have had to govern until here, because they could not get here alone, but with all the accomplices.
But I believe that Saturday’s mobilization, which promoted the LGTBIQ+ collective and that it brought together huge sectors, is a demonstration that there is a disposition of huge sectors to go outside and face this government.
That is the commitment of the Left Front: mobilization.
Thank you so much”.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com