Javier Milei assured that he would adjust to the caste, but the bosses’ “caste” received multiple benefits while adjusting to the most vulnerable sectors such as retirees, and lower-income workers who receive social programs.
A report from the Congressional Budget Office (CPO) revealed that in January total expenses of the National Administration registered a real drop of 11.9% in relation to the same month of 2023 and the cutout in the primaries reached 30.8%. This looting pleases the IMF, who asks for more increases in electricity and gas rates.
The document indicates that “retirements and pensions (-32.5% y/y), social programs (-59.6% y/y) and personnel expenses (-18.0% y/y) were the “items that contributed the most to the reduction of expenses.” However, the cut was not for everyone, “The interest on the debt grew 139.1% y/y, basically due to the payment of coupons on bonds issued after the restructuring”that is, the speculators are still celebrating thanks to the debt restructuring carried out by the previous government (it honored the fraudulent debt of Macrismo).
Chainsaw against students, seniors and workers
“The adjustment will be paid for by politics and its partners, not the people. I’m going to mess with the caste. The criminals,” said Javier Milei in one of the first interviews after the presidential election in dialogue with journalist Alejandro Fantino. But this was not the case.
The OPC report indicates that the departure of retirements and pensions fell by 32.5% in January in real terms in relation to the same month of 2023. Retirees, between December 2023 and March 2024, will lose around 24% of the purchasing power of their assets. This is a legacy of the mobility formula in force since the government of Alberto Fernández. The problem with the previous government’s formula was pointed out by the Left Front when demanding a guarantee that prevents the loss of purchasing power in the face of inflation. In this way they liquefied retirements and pensions.
While, “social programs were influenced by the loss of value in real terms of benefits and the lack of registration in January in some programs”, add the document. This game fell 59.6% in real terms. Within social programs, Empower Work plummeted by 97.9% in January, in real terms, and the Progress 100% Scholarships In the same period, food policies only rose 3.4%.
Las family’s asignations fell 17.7% in real terms in January, and within this item the Universal Child Allowance fell 3.1%.
The chainsaw also passed through the universities, so the transfers to universities in January they fell 16.5% in real terms, and the transfers to the provinces They fell by 53.3% in real terms.
Milei decided to also attack the state workers, there were layoffs and the contracts were only renewed for three months. In addition, salaries are liquidated by inflation (as happened with workers in the private and informal sector), thus the “personnel expenditure” item fell 18% in real terms in just one month.

While adjusting to the working class and the popular sectors, the Milei government benefited the large agro-exporters with the devaluation, the prepaid companies that freed up prices, the oil companies with the increase in fuel, and the food companies that set prices at ease. . Celebrate the “business caste.”
The Government had to back down with the Omnibus law, which included greater attacks on workers. We must confront Milei’s adjusting measures against working people. It is necessary for the union centers, the CGT and the CTA to call for a new national strike and a plan of struggle to defeat the adjustment in progress with the mobilization.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com