The rally took place at the Palestinian Embassy. Numerous accessions were read. Among others, representatives of the PTS-Frente de Izquierda such as Christian Castillo, Alejandrina Barry and Patricio del Corro participated.
This Thursday afternoon a mobilization took place in the City of Buenos Aires to repudiate the massacre that the State of Israel is committing against the Palestinian population. The Zionist State has been brutally bombing the Gaza Strip for more than 13 days: an attack that has already caused nearly 4,000 Palestinians to be killed. More than 1,500 are boys and girls.
You may be interested: More than 1,500 Palestinian children killed by Israeli bombings in 13 days
You may be interested: More than 1,500 Palestinian children killed by Israeli bombings in 13 days
This brutality is what was repudiated in the streets by Palestinian organizations and the Arab community, accompanied by social organizations, left-wing politicians and human rights organizations. The rally took place in front of the Palestinian Embassy, in the City of Buenos Aires.
Left-wing organizations were present, supporting this claim and once again denouncing the repressive actions of the State of Israel. Between the and the representatives of the Unity Left Front were present Christian Castillo, Alejandrina Barry and Patricio del Corro, from the PTS-FITU. Also other references such as Juan Carlos Giordano, Alejandro Bodart, Gabriel Solano and Vanina Biasi, among others.
Concentration begins in front of the Palestinian Embassy in the city of Buenos Aires. Repudiation of the brutal bombings that the State of Israel has been carrying out against the Palestinian population. pic.twitter.com/ntkJeico2A
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) October 19, 2023
International / Palestine / State of Israel
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com