The week starts busy. In America TV The management lowered the blinds and prevented the entry of those who work there in a totally illegal lock-out. Daniel Vila, José Luis Manzano and Marcelo Tinelli, the owners, do not like SATSAID’s salary claim. He decided to “exempt” 249 workers who are affiliated with SATSAID since they would be “motivated by the methodology chosen to exercise the right to strike within the framework of the conflict.” This Monday, workers, delegates and the union gathered at the doors of the canal to demand their entry. The management wants to make it work with hierarchical and non-contractual personnel, in addition to asking those who star in programs to “be ready because there are not even makeup artists.”

The intervention of Telam This Sunday he sent an email to the staff where he “extends the waiver of labor debit benefits with pay for seven days.” At the same time he opens a “voluntary retirement” plan. From March 11 to April 10, the statement says, “workers will be able to access a voluntary separation agreement with financial compensation according to the age and seniority of the employee in the agency.” The announcement of closure, the fencing and the waiver function as blackmail to break up the struggle. It is unacceptable. That is why it is important first answer of the labor collective and its organization: reject the plan and organize an assembly at the CGT, where they will gather this Monday at 11 a.m.

In the afternoon, there will be another important activity. One of Milei’s objectives, it is known, is Argentinian airlines. Along with the attack on the aeronautical salary in recent days there were also layoffs in one of the outsourced companies, GPS. His delegates and workers started a campaign and this Monday there will be a solidarity and defense meeting at Aeroparque, at 6 p.m.. They call on organizations, unions, neighborhood assemblies and sectors in struggle. The flag is “No to privatization. No family on the street. We are Airlines.”

Furthermore, in the early hours of the morning a Total strike in Aguas Argentinas (AYSA), for the first 200 management layoffs. There would be 1,000. Compliance is almost total, but leader José Luis Lingieri says that the problem is that “they are suffocating the company, with frozen rates.” Rumors of privatization spread like water.

But it’s not just Monday or these sectors. This Tuesday there will be a day of protest by social organizations. Those that are aligned with Peronism (MTE, Evita, CCC), which have carried out almost no protests in the last 4 years, will converge with the Unidad Piquetera and other independent and left-wing organizations. They announced cuts and Bullrich is already threatening to use his repressive protocol.

In addition there will be ATE protest daysremains in conflict over the metallurgical joint ventures and in Acindar The temporary closure begins with suspensions that generated a strike and cut a few days ago on the Highway. On Thursday the 14th the Cordoba teaching and there will be actions in other provinces. Other unions are on alert due to the decision of the Ministry of Labor led by the Techint Group, which refuses to approve increases above what its boss Milei wants. In Argentina all prices are released except the salary. A confirmation of the libertarian lie: they are parasites who govern for the business class.

It’s key support these fights today. Surround them with solidarity. Advance coordination. If today and the week end with assemblies and meetings that vote to coordinate, support each other and take common actions, it would be progress. There are many more possibilities to stop attacks. The unity of those who face salary pressure and layoffs, together with the precarious and unemployed who defend social programs and food, together with the neighborhood assemblies that fought against the Omnibus Law and the student centers that are beginning to stand up against attacks on education, is a powerful force. Much more powerful than the “forces of heaven”.

The CGT and the CTA are still in Narnia. Since the strike on January 24, there are two million more poor people. They approach conflicts, where unions affiliated with these centers are attacked, but They do not go beyond speech. At most they support partial struggles, separated, each one on their own. They continue to give time to the government and employers who want to reach the “May Pact” after defeating all the conflicts they can. Does not give. As Myriam Bregman said, “the times of the workers are not those of the general secretaries.”

This is also why it is important to promote unity and coordination of struggles. To have more strength to demand from the plants a new, active strike, and a unitary fight plan until all attacks are defeated.


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