The PP candidate for the Presidency of Castilla-La Mancha said this Saturday that he will imitate the water policies of Andalusia. Paco Núñez wants to “regularize” the irrigation wells in Castilla-La Mancha, although he has not specified how many or where.

Triple irrigation, the electoral promise that Vox cannot fulfill in Castilla-La Mancha


“What you are doing in Doñana is simply keeping your word of progress and development and to avoid water wars,” he told Juan Manuel Moreno during an act in Toledo that both PP leaders shared.

“It is what I want for Castilla-La Mancha: regularize the wells and guarantee water to the farmers and ranchers of Castilla-La Mancha. That is the way”, said Núñez, without specifying how and whether or not this will affect the Tablas de Daimiel National Park, in Ciudad Real, to the same extent that the Andalusian plan is expected to affect the Doñana National Park. . It must be remembered that a good part of the wells that need to be regularized are located in Alto Guadiana.

“You have to work for a national water plan,” he added, thus following in the wake of the speech that, minutes before, the president of Andalusia had made. Paco Núñez has closed ranks with Juan Manuel Moreno. The leader of the Andalusian PP has said in Toledo that “we need the Spanish Government, as Italy has done, to reprogram a large part of the European funds so that we can invest it in something with as much added value as water.” And it is that, he stressed, “water is essential for southern Spain.”

It has maintained its position on its plans to legalize water extraction wells in the Doñana National Park, despite the environmental situation of the natural area and warnings from the European Union. And he justified it as an electoral commitment. “A series of solutions must be found for the irrigators of the northern crown, in Doñana. And we have it on the electoral program and we announce it, obviously… What do you expect us to do? That we break our commitment after the elections?

In this sense, it was abundant that “Paco and I share the lowering of taxes and the simplification of the bureaucracy as well as the concern for the primary sector. It’s key”. At this point he asserted that “we are not going to tolerate the criminalization of irrigators and farmers, as is being done.”

He has indirectly accused the Government of Spain of inaction. “We can make mistakes, but you have to have a project. A government is there to make decisions, not to sit idle “, he said, adding that he does not know” what policy the Government of Spain has in terms of water. What I know is that a lot of works are needed, a lot of investment and a national water plan”.

“We have a moral, economic, and political obligation to protect our farmers and ranchers.” The question of water has been recurring during his speech. “It makes me laugh. Now it turns out that making swamps is right-wing, I didn’t know that doing water works is right-wing, but if you build desalination plants, if you create water connectivity, if you purify… it’s also right-wing. Stop labeling us and put technology and means because we need water”, claimed Moreno Bonilla.

After the intervention of the president of Andalusia, Paco Núñez opened the battery of criticism against the Governments of Spain and Castilla-La Mancha regarding the agricultural sector. He has accused the Government of Emiliano García-Page. “In Castilla-La Mancha, farmers are also persecuted. Here with a little more seriousness” and announced that in the first Governing Council, if he becomes regional president, he will repeal the Family Farming Law, the last one approved in the legislature and of which the PP says that “it allows land to be expropriated from farmers in the region. Something that has been denied by active and passive from the regional Executive.

For Núñez “we must guarantee that water is where it should be: in the hands of those who use it to generate wealth, employment and opportunities.” It has also addressed Pedro Sánchez. “Let him know that with me at the Palacio de Fuensalida what he is going to have is an ally of the president of the Junta Andalucía to talk about water from an understanding, from water investments and the generation of employment through the most important raw material What we have is water.”

2,244 proposals in the electoral program of the PP

Paco Núñez has presented this Saturday the strategic lines of his government program supported by the Andalusian president Juan Manuel Moreno. There are, he said, 2,244 proposals that “have been born from dialogue, from meetings with civil society and from a group of professionals from the PP structure with a broad vocation for public service.”

The Andalusian president has spared no praise for the Castilian-Manchegan candidate. “Paco has been a great discovery for me both personally and professionally. He is good people, close and hardworking. He can’t wait for his land and has an open ear for suggestions and criticism”.

He believes that “change was possible in Andalusia after 40 years of socialist government and it will also be possible here” because, he added, “autonomy is not a farmhouse, it is not owned by the socialists.” For Castilla-La Mancha, Moreno wants the “Andalusian model” because he “is giving results through moderation, dialogue and good management as well as trust.” In this sense, he assured that “Paco and I share a recipe.”

Both leaders of the Popular Party have reiterated a message that they have been influencing for months: both autonomous communities “are part of the growth axis of southern Spain and southern Europe” and Paco Núñez has added to them the neighboring Community of Madrid chaired by Isabel Díaz Ayuso who already wrapped up the Castilian-Manchego candidate in another act in the province of Toledo and who, as announced today, will do so again shortly.

“In Andalusia we govern for everyone, thinking of the general interest. We do it with a balanced and reasoned position and generating institutional stability because that also generates economic stability”, said Moreno, who advocated “reforms” in the Administration because “it is time to do different things”.

And in this sense Núñez had an impact, who has highlighted the “symbolic charge” that the presence of the Andalusian president supposes “because of the transversal work that we can develop from the alliances between autonomous communities”.

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