On Saturday, September 14th in the afternoon, one month before the Plurinational Meeting of Women and Sexual Diversity that will take place in Jujuy, the socialist feminist group Pan y Rosas organized an assembly to debate the challenges of the women’s movement and diversity in this stage of Argentina governed by Milei, whose mandate is supported by the opposition most openly complicit with the PRO, the radicals, and also by Peronism. Whether with those who respond to the governors or those who with bombastic speeches let the attacks pass without betting on the democratic organization and the coordination of the fights of all sectors to face the adjustment and defeat it.
The meeting was moderated by two representatives of Pan y Rosas in the City: Yohia Cardoso Marino, psychologist and professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the UBA, member of AGD; and Andrea Ghiorsi, representative of the Joaquín V. González Teachers’ Student Center. Both spoke during the duration of the meeting and at the end they reviewed the tasks that all those present had to carry out: to promote a large campaign in support of the workers of Aerolíneas Argentinas; to accompany the mobilization of the retirees on Wednesday and also the call that the SUTNA workers will make in the fight against the dismissals; to surround the fight in defense of the public university with support and to prepare the next mobilization by promoting assembly spaces and all kinds of grassroots organization in the faculties. Also, to spread the petition of the women of Guernica in support of their claim and to participate in the next activities that they call for.
Only a few of the participants spoke at the meeting, which is why it is important to highlight the diversity of generations and sectors present, which gave shape to a day of debate and political reflection that political analysts would envy.
With more than 600 people present, there were workers from the GPS outsourced by Aerolíneas Argentinas in Aeroparque and Ezeiza, teachers, health workers, retirees, state workers, private workers, informal and precarious workers, activists from neighborhood assemblies in the City of Buenos Aires, university students who are organizing against the veto of the University Financing Law, tertiary and secondary school students. Retirees from CABA and Virrey del Pino also participated, and the brave women of Guernica who continue their fight for the government of Axel Kicillof to hand over the lands that correspond to their homes. Elvira was there, the mother of Brian “Mechi” Cantero, a young man who died trapped in a machine due to the criminal negligence of the Sein paper mill in Florencio Varela. Also Susana Aranda, a fighter against socio-environmental contamination by the Klaukol company in La Matanza. The day was accompanied by the legislator mc Alejandrina Barry and the councilor of La Matanza Natalia Hernandez, for the PTS in the United Left Front.
Now, listen to some of them for yourself.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com