And colossal operation of the Police of the City of Buenos Aires was set up this Friday at noon in Commune 8 de Villa Luganomore precisely in the Padre Múgica and INTA neighborhoods, to evict about 120 homeless families who decided to occupy buildings of a housing complex that have been empty for a decade. The repressive operation was carried out shortly before 4:00 p.m. The police officers acted brutally, dragging people down the stairs. They attacked pregnant womeninclusive.
The families said that these homes were never finished and, given the difficult situation they are living in, with an income that prevents them from paying a minimum rent, they decided to enter the buildings. They demanded that Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Larreta withdraw the forces, but that he in turn decide to finish these constructions as part of a housing plan. However, the response was repression.
According to the agency telam, many of the families claimed to be “awarded of these properties and have problems accessing decent housing.” The apartment complex is located in stalls 12 and 13, Zelarrayán street at 6800. Its units do not have basic electricity, gas and water services. Neighbors told various media that the houses “are from the Shared Dreams Program, they were never completed by the Housing Institute and (these) are people who need housing.”
In Argentina there are more than 3,500,000 families with housing problems. This is exacerbated by inflation and rent increases. In the last 8 years, both under the Cambiemos government and under the Frente de Todos government, they have not given any response to this problem. Or, to be more precise, their response has been repression. In the case of the Frente de Todos, this was clearly seen in Guernica, in 2020, with the repression commanded by Berni, Axel Kicillof’s Minister of Security.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com