This Friday, Javier Milei gave his first speech at the opening of sessions of Congress in which he once again insisted that the adjustment is “against politics.” Just two hours after the president withdrew from Congress, the oil companies applied a new increase in the prices of gasoline and diesel, of 7.5% on this occasion, which adds to the strong increases that have come since December. More than half of the increase, 4%, is due to the update in fuel taxes.
The increases in fuel are part of an inflationary scenario rarely seen. In March we will see price jumps in tickets, food, rentals, electricity, gas, taxis and prepaid cards, among the most important. Items that, to a greater or lesser extent, go directly through the income of millions of working families. Increases that come to further plunder salaries and pensions within the general framework of Javier Milei’s “war plan” and his government against the population, for the benefit of large national and international corporations.
Fuels are a key product, since they directly or indirectly impact all prices in the economy. The March increases are added to the 80% accumulated since the inauguration of Javier Milei in December, based on the high values left by the Frente de Todos at the end of his mandate.
After generating media expectations, the president did not say anything new that, at least in the speech, pointed to improving the critical situation experienced by the vast majority. Milei’s main objective was to try to reopen the negotiation with the governors, offering resources in exchange for the approval of the DNU and the Omnibus Law.
Unlike the applause of the PRO and the radicals or the silence of Peronism, in Congress the Left Front bench responded to Milei with one of the posters they raised: “your zero deficit is due to the hunger of retirees.” The ongoing adjustment is having serious consequences, according to the UCA Social Debt Observatory, in January almost six out of every ten inhabitants are poor.
Trade union centers such as the CGT and the CTA must call for a true plan of struggle for urgent salary restructuring, emergency increases in salaries, pensions and social benefits. For salaries that at least cover the value of the family basket and are adjusted monthly according to inflation to prevent price increases from continuing to deteriorate income. Also to tear down the adjustment of Milei and the IMF, the DNU and Bullrich’s repressive protocol.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com