The deputy for the PTS in the Frente de Izquierda Unidad explained once again, before a joint meeting of the Powers and Regulations and Constitutional Affairs commissions in the House of Representatives, the need to thoroughly investigate the visit of LLA legislators to those convicted of crimes against humanity. “All the interested parties and the Human Rights organizations must be present to investigate thoroughly,” he added. Watch the full video.

This Tuesday it takes place in the Chamber of Deputies a joint meeting of the committees of Powers, Petitions and Regulationsy Constitutional Affairs which aims to address the issue of visit from a group of deputies y deputies of Freedom Advances a genocide convicted of crimes against humanity in the Ezeiza prison.

We share the central ideas of the national deputy for the PTS in the Left Front Unity, Nicholas del Caño:

We want to reiterate our position on the need to form a a mixed investigative commission, That is to say, it is made up of all the interested parties involved in thoroughly investigating the case and by Human Rights organizations, many of them plaintiffs and survivors.

It is very serious that this visit to the premises has not been investigated and has not been repudiated. I myself presented a motion for this to happen and it was rejected.

The deputies of La Libertad Avanza have to give many answers and explanations. For this reason, an independent and public investigation is necessary.

Our colleague Christian Castillo presented a project in which he proposes to summon the minister Bullrich because we want to know what is the responsibility of officials of the Executive Branchor in this visit and what is behind it.

Politics / Parliamentary / Deputies / Nicolás del Caño / Genocides / Freedom Advances (LLA)


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