Starting in April, the subway trip will cost $574 and the tolls on the 25 de Mayo and Perito Moreno highways will cost $2,276 during rush hour. For the month of May, they will apply a new tranche of increases, raising the amounts to $667 and $3,072 respectively.

The first criticisms did not take long to arrive, as in the case of former PTS-FIT legislator Patricio Del Corro, who denounced that the rate β€œis inflated to maintain the profits of Roggio,” the businessman who, government after government, continues to manage the subway. .

For their part, the neighborhood assemblies that emerged facing the Omnibus Law and Milei’s DNU, begin to target the high rates of permanent vacationer Jorge Macri. This Wednesday the Caballito Neighborhood Assembly begins a flyer campaign on the subway “Down with the ticket increase, up with the assemblies.

Already with the increase at the beginning of the year, in the assemblies one heard “We have to imitate the kids from Chile who, given the increase in transportation, started jumping the turnstiles”this is why they began to discuss how to face this new adjustment on the people.

The neighborhood assemblies expand in the neighborhoods seeking to add more neighbors and seeking unity with workers and students, beginning to raise all demands against the adjustment. While the Peronism that is the opposition in Congress is conspicuous by its absence in the streets, although many of its voters are founders of said assemblies.

Never better said “Down with the adjustment, up with the assemblies”, because the adjustment stops in the street in the thousands and demanding that the CGT, the CTA return to the path of the national strike on January 24 with a plan of struggle. And in this particular case a call for unity to the AGTSyP to lower the rate and for the desbestization of the subway, uniting the claims of workers and users.


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