This Thursday, the unions enrolled in the Multisectorial will return to the streets in the framework of a strike for 24 hours The measure is called against the Constitutional Reform. But they will also claim against the arbitrary arrests that took place, this Wednesday, in Humahuaca.

The Morales government tries to instill fear with these arrests. It is part of a persecutory policy, which has been carried out to try to stop the struggle of the people of Jujuy against the Reform. To that there are the 150 accusations that were announced from the State Prosecutor’s Office and the formation of a trout “commission” to investigate the events of June 20, voted this Wednesday. On this issue, Peronism deserves special mention. Although he did not support the proposal with his vote, he adhered to the “theory” that there were “infiltrators” from other provinces on June 20. Rubén Rivarola, a fundamental ally of Morales, asked that he “investigate Justice.” In other words, the Judiciary that manages the radical government.

As part of this attempt to intimidate, this same Wednesday, the provincial Police entered the premises of the University of Jujuywhile it was demanded that the Superior Council pronounce itself against the Reform. Students and teachers threw out the troops.

But these attempts to intimidate have been failing. He working people of Jujuy have been responding to Morales in the streets. With the marches of torches. With the cuts in the routes, which are maintained despite the repressive threats. With the unemployment of primary teaching that continues despite the harsh discounts that were known this Monday.

The strike this Thursday must be a response to these attacks. To face threats and persecutions; to impose the freedom of all the detainees and the annulment of the causes created for fighting against the Reform; to surround the struggle of Adep’s teaching with support. We must return to the path of forceful combat measures. He strike must be the first step in a plan of struggle that culminates in a general strike until the reform falls.

At the same time, it is necessary to surround Adep’s teaching with active support. If the Government does not go back on the discounts -as it announced on Tuesday- it is necessary for unions, social organizations and political organizations to promote a large strike fund. It is necessary to avoid that this fight is weakened by hunger.

New meeting of the Assembly against the Reform: will march this Thursday in San Salvador

This Wednesday afternoon, again at the headquarters of the Faculty of Humanities, the Assembly against the Reform of the people, workers, communities, students and human rights. Throughout a rich debate, students, teachers, members of the original communities, health workers, municipal workers, unemployed colleagues, among many others, took the floor.

The Assembly defined mobilizing this Thursday, within the framework of the day convened by various unions. They debated and resolved to march against discounts for teachers, against persecution, for the freedom of detainees and for the strike to be the beginning of a plan of struggle until the reform falls.

In addition, it was decided to continue accompanying the cuts of the communities in the Quebrada and Puna. Continue collaborating with donations that have already left a contribution of $300,000. To this we must add, in addition, medicines, coats and toys. To this campaign is added the request for the donation of books and toys. In addition, it was decided to continue monitoring the permanence of Adep teachers in the Ministry of Education. The Assembly also resolved to promote a fund to fight for teachers against discounts and ask unions to contribute and join this campaign.


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