President Alberto Fernandez announced on Tuesday a 35% increase for the Food Card. The measure came to light after a meeting at the Olivos Residence with the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa; and the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz.
According to Alberto, this seeks to “guarantee the basic basket and improve family income.” But Achieves? In mid-March, the indec published that in February, a household made up of two adults and two minors needed $80.483 so as not to fall into destitution and $177.063 not to be poor
Meanwhile, from the 35% increase that will be received in May, the amounts receivable will pass:
What can you buy with the Alimentar Card?
Let’s take the case of the largest families, of two adults with three children, who today receive $25,000 and will start to receive $34,000 starting in May. To get an idea of what could be bought with that, let’s take the values established by the Government for basic products included in the “Fair Prices” program until April 30.
May: Alimentar Card with $34,000
Assuming that a family used the entire card to buy meat or vegetables and that the rare occurrence is that prices are maintained the next month:
Kg of Falda: $697.0
It is enough to buy 48 kg, that is, 9 kg per family member for the entire month.
Kg of Asado: $1068.0
It is enough to buy 31 Kg, that is, 6 Kg per family member for the whole month.

Kg of porridge: $179.0
It is enough to buy 189 kg, that is, 37 kg per family member for the entire month.
Kg of tomatoes: $459.0
It is enough to buy 74 Kg, that is, 14 Kg per family member for the whole month.
Words, words, words…
Alberto Fernandez He affirmed on his social networks that his management “is not going to allow speculation about the food of Argentine families” and stressed that this measure “adds $121,000 million to the existing investment of the national State for the food security of girls, boys and teenagers”.
However, Since his term began, the big food businessmen have not stopped speculating and transfer international prices to popular tables. The third edition of “soybean dollar” announced to benefit the grain exporters and regional economies, threatens to raise food prices further by creating an incentive to export more. Food owners prefer to sell abroad in dollars, so they transfer those prices to the domestic market.
President supposedly it has been “at war against inflation” for monthshowever, the Consumer Price Index rose 102.5% year-on-year in February.
“We reached 2,458,238 families who will be able to access healthy food, improve their purchasing power and promote domestic consumption. With hunger there is no possible freedom or development. To govern is to generate equality”said the President. The numbers again do not accompany the president. Poverty in the second semester of 2022 reached 39.2% against 37.3% in the same period in 2021. In 2022, 54.2% of children fell below poverty.

In addition, from 2016 to 2022 the business profit on the mass of wealth produced in the country increased from 42% to 46.1%. Meanwhile, the participation of the working class fell from 51.2% in 2016 to 43.6%. Far from reducing inequality, the Frente de Todos government continued the trend of macrismo that transfers more and more wealth to those at the top, to the detriment of the living conditions of those at the bottom..
For his part, Toulouse Peace He affirmed that the Government “understands the enormous need to continue working to continue caring for access to the basic food basket.” It’s hard to believe the minister whose main policy consists of cutting social plans such as Empowering Work and demonize social organizations that fight for genuine work and more budget for soup kitchens.
How do we fight inflation?
Large exporters and food producershave reported millionaire earnings in recent years. However, the Government, with the approval of the right-wing opposition, yields to the demands of the bosses who ask for more and more. Example of this is the new expanded soybean dollar.
Only the left presents a series of measures to seriously combat inflation. This supposes that the working class and the impoverished sectors of the population face the adjustment who carries on the In front of all, hand in hand with the right, to pay the illegal foreign debt to the IMF. The left is the only force that raises what must be done to defend the popular pockets: break with the IMF and stop paying the fraudulent foreign debt.
Rejecting the payment of the debt acquired by the macrismo and validated by the Frente de Todos would be the first step, not only to end the departure of dollars that go with that hateful debtbut to start launch a structural transformation serving the needs of the majority of society.
The following measures are essential to attack the true causes of inflation and thoroughly confront the maneuvers of the big capitalist monopolies and oligopolies, which, in order to guarantee their profit, have no drama in starving the popular majorities.
Among other proposals, it is necessary:
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com