Jeremías, a medical student and militant of the En Clave Roja (PTS + independent) group, stated: “Students are not going to naturalize studying in these conditions! Since morning the classrooms have exploded and with many of us trying to listen outside the Luckily, a fan worked, in several of the classrooms we were the students together with the teachers who had to assist our classmates and classmates who fainted due to the heat it was”.

After noon, the Edesur company cut off the power of the Cs faculty. Medical, as has also been happening in a large part of the neighborhoods of the City of Buenos Aires and the suburbs. The situation in the medical school is in addition to what we have been showing in this newspaper in most schools.

Jere added: “What we saw today is the clear sign that year after year they underfund our education and health, while the authorities of our faculty accept and endorse. There are political leaders who vote in Congress for these adjustments so that the accounts give in favor of payment to the IMF: the government of Alberto, Cristina and Massa; the right of Larreta, Macri and Bullrich and also the “outsider” Milei, are in favor of these measures.

In the medical school there are the student groups of their parties. Nuevo Espacio, the leadership of CeCiM, do not open their mouths on these issues, they continue with their activities in the shadow of Plaza Houssay while thousands of students today chew anger over the conditions of our faculty. El Torrente, La Cámpora at the national level, do not raise who are the political leaders of this situation.

From En Clave Roja we believe that we cannot naturalize for a minute the conditions in which our faculty proved to be today. We believe that we have to organize ourselves: let’s make a great campaign so that the whole world finds out how we are studying. “We demand money for health and education and not for the IMF.”

“We also demand that Nuevo Espacio take the lead in organizing students against these claims.”

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