Photos: Axel Kicillof Press

At an event organised at the Quinta de San Vicente to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Perón’s death, Axel Kicillof once again confirmed his intentions to propose himself as the new leader of a Peronism in crisis, thinking about next year’s legislative elections and in view of what will be the presidential elections of 2027. With three and a half years to go, all of Peronism’s activity seems to be geared towards that objective. In the meantime, he leaves Milei and his allies free to carry out their chainsaw plan, speculating that the disastrous consequences could play in his favour when that time comes.

The photo of the event is perhaps the best example of this attempt at reconstruction. Máximo Kirchner, publicly at odds with the governor of Buenos Aires, was part of the first row that listened attentively to his closing speech. This detail is not a minor detail: one of the objectives was to send a signal of unity, in the midst of a meeting that was attended by almost all the sectors that today form the Peronism of the province.

Unlike the plenary session held in Florencio Varela in May, where La Cámpora was absent, this time its main leaders could be seen present. In addition to Máximo Kirchner, the mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza, the former Minister of the Interior, Wado de Pedro, and the current mayor of Lanús, Julián Álvarez, were present. Also present were mayors of the province, the “Albertism” represented by Santiago Cafiero and Victoria Tolosa Paz, Natalia Zaracho and Federico Fagioli of Patria Grande (the group of Juan Grabois), in addition to different unions and social movements.

Máximo Kirchner was in the front row, along with other leaders such as Wado de Pedro and Mayra Mendoza.
Máximo Kirchner was in the front row, along with other leaders such as Wado de Pedro and Mayra Mendoza.

On the front page you could also see several union leaders such as Roberto Baradel, Hugo Yasky and the heads of the CGT, Héctor Daer and Carlos Acuña, who days before the ruling party bought the votes it needed for the Ley Bases were busy walking around Switzerland, as far away as possible. Also seen at his side was Pablo Moyano, the truck driver leader who decided to leave before reaching Congress on the day of the vote, weakening the fight against the law and facilitating police repression. This time, all three were able to reach their destination and were part of the rally.

Hector Daer, Carlos Acuña and Pablo Moyano.
Hector Daer, Carlos Acuña and Pablo Moyano. The CGT triumvirate played an important role in ensuring that the event was called.

The event was also attended on stage by the governor of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela, the senator from Catamarca, Lucía Corpacci, and the vice-governor of Buenos Aires, Verónica Magario. A scene designed and worked on to show a picture of unity and send a message in the midst of the internal conflict, although with an important absence such as that of Massa and the Frente Renovador. Not only was the former Minister of Economy of the Frente de Todos and former presidential candidate not present, but no one from his political force attended either, including those who are currently ministers of Kicillof such as Jorge D’Onofrio (Transport).

Along with Kicillof, Verónica Magario (vice-governor of Buenos Aires), Ricardo Quintela (governor of La Rioja) and Lucía Corpacci (senator for Catamarca) were on stage.
Along with Kicillof, Verónica Magario (vice-governor of Buenos Aires), Ricardo Quintela (governor of La Rioja) and Lucía Corpacci (senator for Catamarca) were on stage.

Despite the absence, from Governor Kicillof’s entourage They assured that they count on Massa and his party for the organization that they are beginning to weave. looking ahead to next year. “They are part of this great alternative. Sergio is a very important leader in this reconstruction” said Minister Katopodis, demonstrating the commitment to converge in the same structure. It seems that the accusations that even sectors of the Union for the Fatherland have made about the contribution that Massa made to the lists of Milei and La Libertad Avanza are of little importance in the balance.

Speculating on the adjustment

Milei’s government is riddled with contradictions and extremely fragile in its ability to carry out the objectives it sets out to favour big capital. However, part of the balance that sustains it is the indispensable favour of Peronism, which has allowed it to advance until now without any resistance: its union leaders refusing to call for serious measures to confront the attacks and withdrawing from the streets, while at the same time joining the intentions of all the other sectors to discuss how to organise the internal affairs in the plains to build a new leadership in view of the future elections.

In this sense, Kicillof’s speech confirms the pan-Peronist strategy of betting on the future, while in the present he leaves the path free for the Government so as not to hinder its actions, while he adjusts and attacks everything that the balance of forces allows him.

“Unity until it hurts. Let no one turn a blind eye. It is the unity that each of us must build in our territory.”said Lucía Corpacci in the run-up to Kicillof’s remarks. Quintela expressed himself in the same vein. An idea repeated ad nauseam during the Macri administration and which served as justification for the creation of the Frente de Todos, which ended in a a resounding failure and paved the way for the libertarian right that governs today. The presence of both on stage is a contribution to the unity that Kicillof and Peronism intend to show, as well as the commitment to position themselves as a leader with national projection and not only in the province of Buenos Aires.

“In this painful time for the country, our task cannot be limited to denunciation or resistance. We have two tasks: create a shield to protect rights, reducing damage social problems caused by the Government’s policies, and to build, together with the popular and democratic forces of Argentina, an alternative that in the future will allow reverse the destruction that is underway and put the country on the path of development and inclusion,” said Kicillof at the end of his speech.

On the one hand, reduce the damage means presenting it as something inevitable and that can only be mitigated. However, the weakness of the Government has given ample evidence that with a massive and united response in the streets it is possible to twist its arm and What is lacking is political will. For the other, reverse the destruction that is underway in the future This means that the only possible alternative is to wait for an electoral change and, in the meantime, bear the consequences. Both tasks go hand in hand and only ensure that Milei can impose his chainsaw on the workers and the popular sectors so that Peronism can re-emerge as an electoral alternative, on scorched earth.

Organizing to confront the entire plan of Milei, financial capital and big business is an urgent need for millions who see their living conditions threatened. Speculating on the consequences of the adjustment while subordinating all times to the rearmament of a political option that laid the foundations for Milei’s rise is only functional to his plan of hunger and misery.


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