French youth are protagonists in the fight against the advance of the extreme right in France. As soon as the results of the European elections and the result of the political formation headed by Le Pen, National Rally (RN), were known, thousands of people took to the streets that same Sunday.

On Monday morning, some high schools were blocked by students, as was the case of the emblematic Henri IV institute in Paris. Hundreds of high school students blocked the institute, chanting: “Youth pisses off the National Front [de Le Pen]”, while passing taxis, buses and garbage trucks honked in solidarity with the students.

The triumph of the far-right National Rally (RN) and its candidate Jordan Bardella was a shock, to which President Macron responded by dissolving the National Assembly and calling for early elections.

“Dissolving the National Assembly is simply not possible. This means giving free rein to the extreme right of RN. Today we are symbolically blocking the institute. But we need a general strike and a blockade of the country against the extreme right!” explained Sheila, a student of Henri IV’s final year.

Two high school students, Zélie and Charlotte, from the neighboring Louis-le-Grand high school who came to reinforce the blockade, agree with the same sentiment: “The high school blockades only have a great impact during strike periods. We hope there will be a movement of this magnitude because we cannot let racism and the extreme right win.

Given the rise of far-right ideas, schools in other cities were also blocked. In Lyon, at the Saint-Exupéry institute, hundreds of students blocked its establishment. They are asking high school students across France to join them.

This Tuesday the blockades were repeated again, but this time with a strong police presence to prevent students from demonstrating.

As at the Voltaire Institute, students in Racine (Paris) blocked its establishment. They shout “We are all anti-fascists.”

On Monday afternoon, the youth had called for a demonstration in the Place de la République in Paris and in the main cities of the country.

The mobilization was massive, and also spread to other cities such as Lyon and Toulouse, where the police tried to disperse the protesters using tear gas and repression.
In France, despite the intimidation of the Police, the mobilizations continued in the streets even after 11 at night.

Early this Tuesday, the first school blockades turned into marches, like the one taking place in Toulouse: “The barrier against the extreme right will obviously not be done with Macron, but neither will it be done with those who contributed to the rise of the extreme right.” right for decades before him!” says Vanessa Raïz live from the demonstration in reference to the announcement of forming a popular front together with reformist and center-left political forces that were the government during the last decades.


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