“On Friday, 851 telegrams arrived and today more are arriving, although we do not yet know how many. In December there had already been a first round of 550 layoffs, but now it is even larger. Almost the entire systems area, which speaks of the scrapping they are looking for. Also in areas such as automotive, human resources, benefits. Many offices that close directly, and many workers. It is clear that they are seeking to scrap the Anses.”

The words are from an ANSES worker who prefers to remain anonymous because management also threatens retaliation.

The attack is part of the right-wing government’s offensive against different public organizations. From Human Capital, nearly 1,400 layoffs have already been announced in the organization. In addition to the closure of Télam, threats on Public TV and Banco Nación, retirements and dismissals at Aerolíneas Argentinas. But it has another peculiarity. It is part of a more general attack on retirees.

The news is known within the framework of a new adjustment to his assets. Let us remember that on Friday night the so-called “Office of the President” announced that “from April, Argentine retirees will receive monthly increases according to the Consumer Price Index.” It was a lie that didn’t last long. More precisely until this Monday, when in the Official Gazette the Government published a new DNU with which they actually modified the retirement formula without going through the treatment of a new law in the national Congress. The decree confirms that “mobility” will begin in July, and in the middle they will continue to lose.

Furthermore, the government wants to keep the Sustainability Guarantee Fund (FGS) and has already announced that its plan is the return of the AFJP, even if it is partial. Let us remember that the private retirement scam, started with Menemism, had Milei as one of the winners: he was chief advisor to Máxima AFJP.

In Córdoba, ANSES workers reported that “the majority of notifications were sent to permanent staff, employees who had already been fired during Macri’s administration and returned to their workplaces after having received a favorable ruling in court” (Cba24 ). In Chaco they close a unit that provides care to hundreds of older adults.

But at the same time the response of the workers begins, with more anger and determination than the union leaders. This was the case of several UDAI (Comprehensive Care Units), where they declared themselves in a state of permanent assembly.

This new looting must be repudiated. Reject layoffs and fraud on retirees, with the demand for assemblies and forceful action measures from the unions.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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