Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño, deputies for the PTS in the Frente de Izquierda Unidad and pre-candidates for president and vice president, respectively, were interviewed by different media in view of the launch of the electoral campaign where they raised the need for a leftist exit and denounced the Javier Milei’s right-wing program.

The FIT-U plans to wage a political battle against the IMF coalitions and for a way out of the national crisis for the left and the working people.

The day

Bregman emphasized the economic reality and pointed out that “we must discuss where the agreement with the IMF took us but start with an agreement that maintains that no salary can be less than inflation.”

Bregman: “No salary can be less than inflation”

Public TV

Bregman: “Milei was built so that the questioning of economic power does not come”


Nicolás del Caño, national deputy for the PTS in the Left Front – Unity, raised in C5N the perspectives of the left in the face of the disenchantment with the Government of the Front of All and Together for Change, denounced the right-wing program of Javier Milei and gave account of important workers’ fights that are taking place at this time.

Nicolás del Caño: “In 2021 many disenchanted sectors accompanied the Left Front”


Myriam Bregman, pre-candidate for president for the PTS, participated in the programming of A24 and denounced the adjustment carried out by the Frente de Todos government to comply with the Fund. Bregman highlighted the excellent choice made by the FIT in Jujuy with Alejandro Vilca.

Myriam Bregman: “The Left Front is the only coalition that does not support the IMF adjustment”

Nicolás del Caño, pre-candidate for vice president for the PTS in the FIT-U, was interviewed in A24. He proposed that all political officials get paid as a worker, as the deputies of the Left already do. He spoke of reducing the working day, so that everyone has a job with rights. He exposed Milei, with her anti-rights platform and her alliance with genocide deniers. And he denounced the traditional parties and the adjustment applied by the Peronist government.

Del Caño: “We are a force of laborers and we say that every official gets paid as a worker”

Radio University

Interview with Myriam Bregman, who gave details of her proposals and again questioned the negotiations with the IMF. “We are the only proposal that does not contemplate an adjustment, it must be understood that there is no way out with the Fund in the country,” said the former national legislator.

Myriam Bregman: “I am concerned about the shift to the right of the political agenda”

Info White on Black

On Saturday Myriam Bregman, pre-candidate for president of PTS FIT, was present in La Plata along with Nicolás del Caño, pre-candidate for vice president, and Luana Simioni, pre-candidate for Mayor, at the inauguration of the Rebelión Socialist Cultural House.

In the presence of young people, workers and unemployed workers, and students, the national deputy of the FIT referred to the tasks that the left has in the face of the ongoing crisis, expressing: “The challenge we have is enormous, we have to Being very aware of that, we have to conquer once and for all that the working class overcomes the experience with Peronism”.

Myriam Bregman launched her candidacy for President of the Nation in La Plata

Public Radio of the Province of Buenos Aires

Bregman pointed out about Javier Milei that “Milei’s program is the Martínez de Hoz program. It doesn’t have any originality. This is what Martínez de Hoz started, Menem and Cavallo continued, and he takes it to an extreme level, a new round of privatizations. I believe that the ruling classes of this country are always one step ahead in political reflection. They see a certain political struggle in the face of the failure of the Mauricio Macri government and the failure of the Frente De Todos government, so they prepared an alternative.”

Myriam Bregman: “We must build an alternative that questions the political leadership, the economic and judicial power”


Bregman referred to the present of the Left, and maintained that “it is the first time that in the Left Front there is the possibility of a woman being a presidential candidate. It was a proposal that Nicolás de Caño made to the Congress of my party, that the previous time, when there were inmates from the Left Front, I accompanied him in the presidential formula. And this time we believe that there is the challenge. Likewise, other colleagues have presented their own list. The compañeros of the Partido Obrero followed by the MST, they are going to present another list and it is probable that we will go to an internal one”.

Myriam Bregman: “Milei’s program is the same as Martínez de Hoz”


Deputy Myriam Bregman said that the FIT proposal “not only questions the political leadership that brought us here, but also the economic power and the judicial caste.”

Myriam Bregman: “The time has come to build a true left alternative”

221 Radio

Bregman spoke about the responsibility of the Government of the Frente de Todos and Juntos por el Cambio regarding the growth of the right in the country, and also denounced the adjustment that the ruling coalitions have been applying to comply with the agreements with the IMF.

The pre-candidate for Mayor of the city of La Plata, Luana Simioni added: “La Plata is the city with the most femicides and transvesticides in the province. In addition, 7 out of 10 kids work precariously. We are the city with the most precarious neighborhoods and settlements. Garro came to deepen this policy and from there he seeks to be re-elected. We need a strong left in the city that fights for a budget to combat gender violence and the application of the reduction of the working day to generate jobs with rights”.

Myriam Bregman: “The FDT said it was coming to the right, however it grew like never before”


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