Photo: Telam

The province of Chubut is the seventh province with the least number of voters in the country: 474 thousand people vote, which means 1.31% of the electoral roll, andIt has been governed since 2017 by Mariano Arcioni, from Chubut Somos Todos, a coalition whose majority partner is Peronism, aligned with the Frente de Todos, now Unión por la Patria at the national level.

Peronism has governed the province for 20 years. In 2003, the founder of the Chubut Somos Todos front, the Peronist Mario Das Neves, was elected governor, a position that he revalidated in 2007 and that he held again between 2015 and 2017, the year he died.

Arcioni, then his lieutenant governor, succeeded him in office, completed his term until 2019 and was elected governor in 2019. Before Peronism came to power, Chubut had 12 consecutive years of Radical Civic Union governments: from 1991 to 1999 , Carlos Maestro, and from 1999 to 2003, José Luis Lizurume.

In a provincial election, which is announced to be polarized between Peronism and Together for Change, whoever wins, continuity in the service of companies and the IMF regime is envisioned. Against the resignation and disappointment generated by choosing between Peronism and macrismo, the left referenced in the Left Front is an option for workers, women and youth.

What is voted?

  • Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
  • 27 Regular Provincial Deputies and their Substitutes.
  • Mayor and Councilors in 24 locations (except Trelew)
  • Presidents and Vice of the Rural Communes.
  • 1 Full Member and Substitute before the Judicial Council (for Comodoro Rivadavia, Puerto Madryn, and Sarmiento)
  • Justice of the Peace: p/ Paso de Indios

Who are the candidates?

In the 2023 elections in Chubut, four electoral alliances and one political party are presented. These are the candidates for governor and vice:

  • Above Chubut: Juan Pablo Luque and Ricardo Sastre
  • Together for Change Chubut: Ignacio Torres and Gustavo Menna
  • For Independent Chubutense Freedom: César Treffinger and Laura Mirantes
  • Left Front and Workers Unity: Emilse Saavedra and Julieta Rusconi
  • Generation for a National Meeting: Oscar Petersen and Nancy Lobos

You can check the electoral roll for the 2023 elections in Chubut by clicking here


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