These days, the inflation figures will be released in the City of Buenos Aires, which already confirm the fraud of the Mieli government and the false promise of improving the economy and stopping inflation. We can see this in schools because more and more girls, boys and young people come to school hungry, ask for food or tell that someone in their family has lost their job.
The hypocrisy and cynicism of the LLA, radical and PRO deputies who, in the name of children and their rights, want to declare education an essential strategic service is outrageous. They are the architects and responsible for condemning more than half of the population to poverty and for girls and boys to grow up lacking healthy food and real access to health, education, and not to mention the areas of recreation, sports and play they deserve for good development.
What’s behind this project?
As we have been expressing on these pages and as our fellow legislators from the Left Front have declared, this project does not mean more investment in schools, salaries and educational budget.
This bill seeks to attack the right to strike of education workers, who demonstrated in Misiones a few months ago and are now demonstrating in Neuquén, Córdoba and Santa Fe; the teaching profession articulates the demands of the working people in the defense of education. The government needs to limit the power of organization and struggle of workers in order to advance its attacks on education, just as it is doing with health, with layoffs at the Posadas Hospital that are resisted by its workers supported by the community of patients.
This is what he anticipated Christian Castillo When the project was discussed in the commission: “This government comes to talk about essentiality, but it stopped the works in schools. Do not be hypocrites, you want to demolish public education. The attack on the right to strike of teachers is to attack public education. Do not talk anymore about defending public education. You are anti-worker and pro-employer, you want large corporations to dominate (…)
Teachers work 3 or 4 jobs to make ends meet. They are wrong if this means that education workers are going to stop fighting for their rights.”
The ruling party’s request for a special session in @DiputadosAR for next Wednesday includes trying to vote on a brutal and unconstitutional restriction of the right to strike (also in violation of what the ILO has indicated) for compulsory level teaching. That is…
— Christian Castillo (@chipicastillo) August 9, 2024
That is why the FITU legislators are going to reject this project and are calling for a public hearing in Congress on Monday 19/8, to express to all sectors that they want to confront this attack.
This is not the first government to try this. During the election campaign we saw these proposals from Bullrich, Massa and even Cristina Fernández herself suggested – in one of her classes at the University – that it should be discussed.
Ctera: Enough of playing hide and seek, strike and mobilize now!
If the government has been able to advance this far, it is not only due to its collaborators in Congress and the governors who rush to sign it when the president calls them, but also because union leaders such as the CGT and the CTA have done him a great favor by not calling for forceful measures.
The case of Ctera is blatant. Not only did it allow the budget cuts for school canteens and salaries to go through with the withdrawal of FONID, but it also isolated all the provincial struggles. It did so with the enormous struggle of Misiones and today, faced with the important struggles of Neuquén and Córdoba, it looks the other way.
Starting on Monday in Neuquén, ATEN Capital is escalating its plan of struggle with a 3-day strike. They are facing attacks from the governor with discounts and pressure, who is seeking to impose absenteeism, attacking the right to strike and the livelihood of teachers’ families. They are mobilizing massively and receiving support from the educational community and even human rights organizations and Mothers of Plaza de Mayo. In Córdoba, the same LLaryora recipe is also applying discounts seeking to discourage the teachers’ struggle, which, on the contrary, has been promoting massive mobilizations from UEPC Capital.
Ctera looks the other way and limits itself to issuing a statement of solidarity as if it were a struggle in another country. Now that the session in Congress has been convened where they are going to discuss this project that would limit the right to strike throughout the country, are they also going to sit back and do nothing?
It is urgent to call for a strike and mobilization, strongly disseminating in all schools in the country the reactionary nature of this project if it goes ahead.
We cannot allow this. Let us stop this project with a struggle and mobilization surrounding Congress, as Ademys is already calling for, and let us put in place a national plan of struggle so that the provinces in struggle triumph, defeat Milei’s plan and fight for our demands, for a salary equal to the family basket for each position, construction of schools and resources for education based on ignoring the usurious debt of the IMF. Not one more hungry kid, there is money.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com