This Friday afternoon, various sectors in struggle are mobilizing in CABA, as part of the fight against layoffs and, also, against the new version of the Omnibus Law, which is part of the Government’s general attack.

They are led by the sectors that face boss attacks, such as the workers of GPS-Aerolíneas Argentinas, who denounce the layoffs and the attempt to advance the privatization of the flag airline. Also marching are workers fired from the Ministry of Labor and various state agencies. Different sectors of combative unionism are mobilized. Among them the railway workers of the Haedo Railway Union, the Incaa Internal Board, and the recovered MadyGraf graphics company.

The various representatives and leaders of the Left Front are also present in the mobilization. Among them, the national deputies of the PTS-Frente de Izquierda such as Myriam Bregman, Nicolás del Caño and Christian Castillo. Other leaders of the left are also present, such as Buenos Aires legislators Celeste Fierro (MST-FITU) and Andrea D’Atri (PTS-FITU).

Earlier, a press conference took place where the various organizations and leaders denounced the adjustment in progress and called to organize the strike on May 9.



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